Thursday, November 30, 2017

Day at the Coast Sleeping in My Car

I took two cats to the coast clinic yesterday.

I went to bed early enough, but woke up too early, after nightmares. 

Been worried about placing the kittens in the bathroom.  No group will take them this time and I've only tamed two sufficiently for adoption but now nobody will adopt them.  I have no venue, unfortunately, and depend on finding other groups willing, if I take in cats in trouble.

There's been no spay neuter space in the valley for some time.  Outside of three I snuck into Heartland a couple weeks ago, there's been nothing.

Next week I finally have 7 reservations at whs on Monday and am transporting 12 up to the FCCO in Portland Wedneday for KATA.  How'd I get talked into that?  I stupidly volunteered after they expressed frustration at the lack of spay neuter in the valley and how they have so many kittens waiting to be fixed.  Why don't they take them up themselves?  Good question, one I can't answer.  It's true there is a serious lack of affordable spay neuter in the Linn and Benton counties.    This lack means more unwanted cats everywhere.  A viscous circle.

I admit I like any excuse to get out of town and transporting cats to a clinic is a good excuse to get out of town, don't you think?   I hope to see a friend for breakfast up there, and visit some favorite thrift stores.    Sure, it is tiring but getting out of town for me is a big deal.

I try to find ways to work with other groups.  I figure if I help them they'll help me, but that often isn't the case.

I'm also taking two of the bathroom kittens that day to be fixed along with the KATA 12.  Was supposed to be Copper and Winnie, but Copper got sick, has conjunctivitis, so she went with me to the coast clinic yesterday.  Along with Soloman, who is elderly and had been drooling.

I dropped off Soloman, who was scheduled for dental cleaning with extactions if needed, then waited for the vet to see Copper  Didn't take long.  She tested Copper for FIV/Felk (negative) and for coccidia and giardia since she'd had loose stools.  Negative on both of those.  In the end, she sent me with antibiotics and eye drops.

I then had Copper for the day while we waited on Soloman, in the car, so there was not a lot I could do.  I drove to the parking lot at the south jetty and took off my shoes.  Then I got in the back and spread out my sleeping bag, let Copper out of her carrier, which also has a litter box in it, and we snuggled until I fell asleep for a few hours.  When I woke, I found Copper snuggled into a blanket under the seat.

Soloman had to have four teeth pulled and also a lot of tartar removed.  He should feel better soon. Soloman is between 11 and 12 years of age.

Someone was supposed to come see Copper to perhaps adopt her today but cancelled.  I figure its probably not going to happen.  This is the second home possibility that's been lost.   It's depressing.

She can't be fixed now for a month til she's well over her cold.

Instead of taking Copper and Winnie Wednesday with the KATA cats, to be fixed, it will be Pisces and Twilight, the Harvest Drive kittens.

I didn't take a single photo at the coast since I did nothing but sit in a parking lot then sleep in a parking lot.  Super exciting day!

This is Copper

And this is old Soloman


  1. Soloman looks wise, just like his name would indicate.

  2. I am so sorry for your understandable depression. ~hugs~ I hope something happens to brighten your day.

    1. I believe now I have places for three of the six kittens which is progress!

  3. Anonymous1:58 PM

    The wisdom of Solomon, and he does look wise.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....