Saturday, December 02, 2017

Winnie Now at Heartland

Winnie is at Heartland Humane now where she will be put up for adoption.  It was hard for me to take her over there, now separated from her sisters and best friends, the Harvest Drive girls Twilight and Pisces.  Makes me want to cry tonight.  Winnie is one of the four McLagan Road kittens.

She needs to move on, however, and I hope she isn't adopted out as a single kitten to a household with no other cats.  She would be miserable.

She loves other cats and to play.

I hope she isn't adopted out to assholes who glance her way now and then but otherwise ignore her, and kick her outside, to fend among the dogs and cars and all the other threats that come with a cat outside.  I hope her adopters keep her flea free, all that, take her to the vet if sick.  I hope she is adopted by kind, loving and responsible people.

I am not so convinced there are that many of those types of people left around anymore.  Guess I"m worn out trying to trap cats a family fed.  Then they moved and left them and with days before they have to turn in their keys, they called me, wanted me to trap them.  Would have been easy had they done it before they left.  But now?    There are lots of free roaming neighbor cats in the area who get in the trap and it becomes a matter of luck to catch the right one and lots and lots of time.

I've caught a bunch of neighbor cats and a huge possum, but only one of the two who relied solely on this family for food and shelter.  I've caught one tabby three times.  She has a collar, so I release her, but catching her three times, you have to wonder, do her owners even feed her?  Or is she too on her own?   This area is really bad for animal neglect and abandonment.  Really really bad.  I don't know why.  A way of life I suppose.
This is the big tabby tux now with Meow Village

The first one and only one so far I caught of the two needing caught is a big huge tabby tux unfixed boy.  She had arranged for him to go to Meow Village.   So off he went after I caught him.

The other one is harder to catch now that she or he has seen the tabby in the trap three times, another cat too and the possum. Plus the tabby tux.  I'm wearing myself out trying to get the cat caught so it won't starve to death, now that its food source up and moved away.  Hurts my heart to think about it.

Doesn't help my dryer quit.  Started making a horrible scraping sound.  Its the front felt seal and brackets for the gliders again.   One of them is almost worn through.  Same as the last time I fixed it, years ago.   Waiting for parts to arrive to fix it, while hanging up clothes and cat bedding all over,  isn't fun.

So that's why I'm not a happy camper tonight, I'm tired out and I have to let it all go and go to bed.


  1. Anonymous2:44 AM

    You have to rationalise people's behaviour. They probably don't care too much about each other or other human beings. Cats are lower on the ladder than humans. Perhaps cats should not be lower on the ladder than some people. Onward and upward. You do more that you bit and like no one can save the world, nor can you save the cat world.

  2. Oh, wow. My heart hurts for you. It's so different in my area, at least from what I see. ~hugs~ I hope you got some peaceful rest.

    1. I had a nice sleep. Back at it now. Yeah I have friends in other areas who say things are better there. Its the drugs in this area, a scourge here, that affects everything else I think.

  3. First of all, there are plenty of people out there who take good care of our animals. The problem is in your line of work, you don't meet many. Winnie is going to get a good family and she will adapt well. I don't know about Heartland, but when I adopted my last two cats, I had to fill out a long questionnaire, have an extensive interview, and sign papers promising to give the cats good medical care, good food, and to please call them to take back the cats if we had any problems.

    I hope sharing your concerns helped and you had a good night's sleep.

    1. Heartland will find her a good home, I know that. I was just tired. And yes, I don't meet the normal people.

    2. I chatted online last night with a friend who quit rescue recently. One of the dogs she adopted out, she found out, spends 20 hours a day locked in a tiny crate and another she adopted out, she recently saw and its super fat and almost bald from fleas. KATA had an incident recently that has badly affected them with two kittens adopted out from a Petco (the employees screen when they're at Petco) to a couple who then adopted a third, saying one died. Well the one died like within two days of adoption. KATA then visited the home and found another kitten near death, bleeding from mouth and nose and removed the two, the injured kitten ending up at the ER vet. The vet suspected abuse and probably died from abuse too. Anyhow, probably the online conversation last night didn't help.

    3. I don't think I could sleep very well either if I had had a chat like that at bedtime. Sometimes, I avoid the computer and phone close to bedtime for just that reason.

  4. As an animal lover, I can't imagine treating them with anything other than respect. It's sad to think that others don't.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....