Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Driving too and from trapping locations, sometimes I become overwhelmed with the beauty of the valley.

The rain can drive one nuts, but the rain turns landscapes green. 

This time of year, next summer's grass seed crop is several inches tall.  The valley is carpeted in green and splendor, at least when the rain isn't driving down and turning everything gray and miserable.

After feeding the cats at the county park a couple days ago, I drove out to help some folks on Harvest Drive rake leaves.  I needed the exercise and also to check out the trap set on another porch there.  The last kitten, a black one, hasn't been seen in some time.  I doubt she's still alive, but I want to be sure she has the best chance if she is.  So I rebaited the trap now constantly set.


  1. Gorgeous! Best wishes on finding that poor kitty alive.

    1. I don't think by now she could still be alive out there.

    2. A fox had been seen really close to the barn where the kittens had been. I just don't know what became of her.

    3. Awww... Sorry for you and that precious creature. I like the fox for its physical beauty and playful nature, but a predator that close is definitely not a good sign.

      Hey, thank you for visiting my blog. You say you're 'Ice Age' when it comes to technology but I say you're awesome, plain and simple, always a selfless advocate for the otherwise helpless. ~hugs~ Be well!

  2. Definitely green and lovely.
    You need exercise? I doubt that. I really doubt it. You seem to be constantly pushing what your body can do.

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    They are very atmospheric photos taken in the valley. I would have thought coming snow would spoil the grass crop.

    1. There's rarely snow on the valley floor Andrew, except a couple years, we got a foot one year I remember, not that long ago, but usually we don't get any, just rain and lots of that.

    2. You have to be up a bit higher to get the snow, doesn't take much elevation but even 500 to 1000 feet up and there can be snow dustings in the hills, but on the valley floor, that's rare, that's a year if it comes people talk about and wish for again.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....