Wednesday, September 20, 2017


I experienced an unexpected failure.

The brand new heat pump quit working the moment it turned cold and rainy and I switched it to heat mode.  Maybe the heat pump too is revolting with sudden onset winter, when its still officially summer.  Snow in the mountains now.  It's been pouring down rain for days.  A tornado, if you can call an EF 0 a tornado, touched down briefly outside Lacomb, taking a couple barn roofs off.  Last week wasn't it over 90 with wildfires everywhere, I think to myself.  Or was that some other year.  Or did I dream all that.

Yes, the heat pump, barely two months old, shut itself down and won't run.

The Heat Cool guy is here and I think he doesn't know what is wrong, outside maybe possibly something in how the thermostat was wired.   I'm trying to leave him be.  Can't be an easy job.  Takes smarts to figure out why something isn't working that should be working.

I've come to expect that new things won't last, and that new things are not built so well anymore, that mostly they're thrown together fast as possible, as plastic as possible and as cheaply as possible with the poorest paid laborers doing the work as is possible to get away with.  Profits, man!

And that new things are too complicated for their own good.

I told my friend I think it might be wise to go back to a wood stove and a fan as my heat cool system.  Simpler.  Cheaper.  Adequate.

The heat cool guy was coming tomorrow.   Then he called this morning and said he could come within an hour and I said fine.  I figured he'd flip some switch and be done.  Replace a wire.  Clean a contact.  Now its' been almost 2 hours he's been here.  No word if he's figured anything out yet.

I had plans for today.  Guess not anymore.

UPDATE:  It is fixed!  The guy just methodically worked out the wiring thing.   I was impressed!


  1. Good luck.
    And sigh. I hate it when a nearly new object refuses to work. They aren't cheap either.

    1. No, it can be frustrating, but the guy got it fixed. I think some wires were crossed.

  2. While not nearly as important as a heat pump, the new TV we just bought to replace the one that got fried by lightning started acting up. It was turning on and off at random--blinking sometimes. I found out by googling several brands that this is not an uncommon problem for newer TV's and no one seemed to have a clear answer to what is going. We solved our problem by returning it and getting another one. I was appalled when I learned that TV's today aren't expected to last much longer than 5 years. Now, I'd be happy if can get one to work that long.

    1. I'm happy you could replace it. To me, its disgusting and wasteful to build such cheap products and charge so much for them.

  3. I am so glad you had a good outcome. It worried me to think of you and the cats being cold, though you would work surely something out. You're smart, too. ~grin~ We have a guy coming today to inspect the incomplete job his company did on our house. It's annoying. On that note, I'm glad I read about the television issue. I fought to keep our heavy flat screen TV made in the nineties and my partner found a way to drop cable and hook up a Roku device for Internet streaming. I'm tickled pink. Hope the knee is better and you're having a good day.

  4. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Good that it was something quite simple.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....