Friday, September 22, 2017

These Darn Kittens!

The kittens are driving me a little nuts.  Its hard to do laundry, dress, shower even with them racing around, over my feet, over their mom's belly, racing up a ladder, falling off, touching a ball, then sending it flying down the floor, as four of them join the chase.  Oops, they've seen my foot.  Two detour to grab my big toe. Another joins in, climbing my pants leg.  I'm trying to get to the sink.  But its hopeless.

I look at their mom, catching her eye.  I shake my head slightly.  Her expression changes to one of exasperation, exhaustion too.

There's nothing she can do.

I call them the little horde of heathens.

The bee hive of busy kittens suddenly silences.  They're all in a pile sleeping.  Omg, I think, I have to hurry.  In a rush, I throw laundry into the drier, and another load into the washer.  I grab my towel and take a shower, try to dress.  They're AWAKE again!!!  NOOOOO!

They're leaving Sunday morning.  I'll miss them.  I know you know that.

Ellie, the kitten from the parking lot, is going too.  She's a sweetie, all love, cuddles and play.  But she's not so keen on the little ones.  Ellie likes big cats, not these mouse size things who think her ears and tail are merely toys.  Ellie is on her way into her teens and the eye rolls have begun.  Kittens are certainly NOT cool.  Everything is a game to a kitten!

By Sunday noon, I will be down six tinies and one teen, plus the tinies' mom, who is awesome herself.  I'll be down 8 cats!

Should I cry, laugh or crack a bottle of champagne?  I'll probably do all three.

Animal Rescue and Care Fund is taking all of these precious souls!  THANK YOU ARCF!


  1. Definitely all three. And rest. While you can. Huge thanks to ARCF - and you.

  2. Yep, I think the situation will call for all three.

  3. It's been a very long time since I've been around kittens. SO cute, SO energetic, and SO much work!

  4. Hurray! Well done, my dear.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....