Saturday, July 08, 2017

The Endless Stream

There is no end, it seems, to the unwanted in trouble cats out of Mountain Shadows trailer park in Sweet Home.  

Willy finally is gone, that lovely sweet boy and I know he thought he'd found his final refuge here.  He was happy.   But I can't keep them all, and I had to still my soul to take him north to Felines First.  He got car sick when we were nearly there, vomited, then pooped himself.  We gave him a quick bath at the Petsmart near Washington Square in Portland area where he is being shown for adoption.  I hope someone wonderful adopts that sweet sweet boy!

Blessed, the old torti from Mountain Shadows, is still here but leaving this weekend for her new home in Lebanon.  I'll fetch her back for her dental August 1, at the coast clinic.  She has some infected teeth but I couldn't get her in until then.  I'll do a fundraiser to help cover her expenses.

Blessed is a hugger, like old Lucy from the same place.  She also likes to play, however.  Maybe not so old at heart.

In the meantime, the resident trapping the strays there caught a tame female.  Only the next morning did she realize the cat was lactating.  The little female is oh  so young and a determined mother.  The resident turned her loose to go to her kittens.

She came back, apparently ever so happy to have found someone to love her and harbor her and feed her, with a kitten in tow.  The resident snatched the kitten inside and the little female vanished again, but she'd come back, then leave, be back.  Finally she came back with a second kitten whom also ran inside the trailer.  The little mom cat was not satisfied, but rather took up guarding the porch of the trailer then, and running off even dogs.  The resident would say "It's ok, they're inside, all nice and safe now.  You can relax."  But it was no use.  She'd go into the trailer for the night to be with the kittens.  Now those three precious lives are here, in the bathroom, adjusting and sleeping a lot.  I haven't named them yet.

I also am holding a sleek young tuxedo male, unfixed, found starving in Albany, maybe scared from his home by fireworks.  I'm trying to get him into a shelter so he can be on official stray hold.  He's quite polite, but something's off about him.  He seems stunned and without much energy but he could have been on his own and hungry for some time.  It can take awhile to regain energy after going without.

In and out they come they go, each one tearing at my heart and hopeful, just wanting the same things we all want--security, love, belonging, companionship, food, shelter.  That's it.


  1. Your poor heart with its stretched heart strings. And yes, they do want what we do. And need it. As always, huge thanks.

    1. My heart is overworked I think, and stretched out to the limit.

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    There is a secret about cats. They have enough of a brain to appreciate the kindness of strangers.

    1. They do understand that concept quickly, to find a good thing, and go with it!

  3. I hope your heart gets a chance to heal by looking at how much good you've done and maybe being able to share with a kindred soul such as one of those folks you've mentioned. I think that can go a long way. It takes a strong person to persevere in this effort. ~hugs~ Take care.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....