Friday, May 05, 2017

Two Cats Move On

Mayday went home today.  

She's still swollen up but not as bad.  She ate a little this morning, before she went home.  She has a great set up at her long time caretaker's place.  She is in the same large cage, with the back of it, where the shelf is, up against a window.  The cage is on a table in an unused bedroom.

Let's hope she is on the road to recovery.   Second day is usually the worst, after extractions.  The biopsy report will return within two weeks.   Let's hope she does not have cancer.   Until then, she has it good where she's at.  The familiar sights, smells and voices should be a boon to her recovery.

This is Mayday today, after I loaded her in the car for the trip back home, still swollen, but a little better.
Diego left last night.  He went with Melissa, who volunteers with Chelsea, in Lebanon, both with Felines First Rescue.  He's up for adoption with them and whomever adopts him, will get a terrific kitty!

Meanwhile teen mom, who needs a name, is now in the bathroom, with her kittens, so she can leave them, and stretch her legs, get some freedom.   She will eventually head north, if her kittens don't grow up to adoption age first.   The rescue who was going to take her got involved in other rescues of moms with kittens.  No problem.  She's doing great and I love watching those kittens grow.

The two white ones were born April 29 while the black one was born on April 30.  They will be one week old tonight.  How time flies.


  1. I think we all heal better on familiar territory. Thank you for all you do. If I lived closer I would have snaffled many cats from you. Many, many cats.

  2. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the kittens if they spend much time with you. Wishing the best for Mayday. And for you.

    1. They are gorgeous. Black teen mom now has a name---Ruby!

  3. Ruby - I like it! My niece nicknamed my red Chevy Malibu 'Ruby' when I first got the car and the child saw how much I loved it. She said it needed a name. ~grin~ Thanks for sharing these terrific success stories. I hope the cancer test proves negative. Be well!


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