Saturday, May 27, 2017


Two men, as yet unidentified, lost their lives yesterday in Portland.

A third was injured but is expected to survive.

It takes nothing from the loss of the two deaths, for their families, or for them, lives ended, but how they went is inspirational and the real story of yesterday.

Two young girls were on the commuter train, one obviously muslim wearing the hijab, when a man, wielding a knife, began a rant of racial slurs directed their way.  According to the news this morning, his facebook page is full of vulgarity and boasts of attending conservative rallies.   He's also a felon.

Three men stood to defend the girls.   The man attacked them with the knife, killing two, then ran.  He was hunted down, however, and quickly, by police and is now in custody.

Two of the three men died of terrible knife wounds.

They are heroes.  They stood up to defend strangers, young girls, under assault, with courage and character.

Theirs is the real story.

Good versus evil.


  1. Wow. My heart goes out to their loved ones. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I wish they had not died, two of the three men who stood to stop his hateful tirade, directed at mere children. It's like screaming at kittens. Only complete cowards direct hatred at smaller beings, like children and kittens. Because it is otherwise, if two men had not died, a glorious story, of brave people intervening, to right a wrong. It's still a glorious story, full of courage and hope and all things good, yet I hate to say it is, because of the deaths of two heroes. Apathy these days is kind of the norm. Faces buried in cell phones. Not even turning an eye towards a kitten suffering. Or a child. Or anything struggling. Hate speech common now, enabled, cut loose. Violent culture. This is a beautiful difference.

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I heard about this. Most groups of humans are filled with good and bad. Please don't blame "all" conservatives. They are not all the same, just as all Muslims are not the same. It takes just one radical or extremist of any group to ruin it for everyone. That goes for religions and politics. That is exactly what is wrong with mankind. Animals get it; they know what and who is important.

    1. I know, McGuffy, good and bad, its not the domain of any one religion or political turn.

  3. I saw that story this morning. And applauded. And grieved.

    1. I know, its a bittersweet story.

  4. Anonymous5:51 PM

    The incident was reported here. Three true heroes.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....