Monday, March 06, 2017

Trapping in a Blizzard

I've got 14 cats now caught at the Shedd colony, although two are still down in the caretakers garage in traps.  I'm taking 10 of the 12 up to the spay neuter clinic at Willamette Humane this morning.

Last night, driving down to pick up cats 11 and 12, and leave traps set for cats 13 and 14, which almost immediately were caught, after I left, driving wet snow lashed down, driven by wind.

Soon, the driving swirling snow became a dreamland, creating almost zero visibility.  By the time I arrived at the colony, picked up the two cats in traps, set two more traps and headed home, something that took less than ten minutes, the snow was accumulating on the road.

I had my camera on, hung by one strap around my neck, secured by a second.

The Bald eagles are back in the valley.  They're everywhere and engage in spectacular aerial fights.  Yesterday, when going back and forth to check traps, I watched a Bald Eagle and a Golden Eagle fighting mid air.  The boys fight over everything, no matter the species.

Some don't like to see their return.  Because of the lambs they're after.  The moment they exit the womb the eagles want them.

I remember when I worked that big 60 cat colony, all those cats and kittens left behind, the kittens began to vanish and it was the eagles carrying them off.

I have ten spay neuter reservations today, for the 14 lookalike cats caught thus far.  The other four, plus anymore I catch today, will be fixed Thursday.  I'll hold them til then.  Dats a lot of cats, but sure will make a big difference fast there.

Outside right now----slush on the street.  Shouldn't be too bad driving up the ten to the clinic.


  1. Well done you. As always.
    Loved the eagle photo.
    Drive safely. And thank you.

    1. All ten got fixed, six of them females, too, five of those pregnant. And six more from same colony will be fixed tomorrow in Portland. But I saw a 17th run off when I caught 16. On it goes...

  2. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Not only have you been busy, so will the vets. Do you call them vets? Veterinary surgeons, that is. Bald eagle looks to be huge.

    1. I call them vets. Yes, Bald Eagles are very very big.

  3. Haven't heard a total recently of the number of cats you've fixed. What are you up to? I'm always amazed when you share those statistics.

    1. Oh boy, you would ask. Can i get back to you? My brain is fading tonight and I have to be up early.

    2. I would have trouble keeping count with a clear head! Sorry about eagles going after lambs. It never occurred to me but makes sense. Thank you for sharing that awesome image.


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