Tuesday, March 07, 2017

18 the Magic Number?

Today, seven more of the Shedd colony cats took a road trip with me to Portland to be fixed.   I was happy they could do it at a moment's notice.  I'd only emailed the FCCO the night before to ask.  They said to bring 4 to 6.  By then I had seven more.  I was going to hand over cat number 7 this morning, at check in, with a box of donuts.  Yes, a bribe.  Fortunately, I did not have to beg to add on the extra cat.   I later bought a donut and ate it myself.

By this morning, another was caught in my very last trap I'd left set down there.  That makes 18 in all.

While in Portland, I texted a friend, asked her to go set her traps there.  She did.  So far no more, but this is the last best chance to catch any stragglers.   By 8:30 tonight, if nothing else is caught or seen, I'll take back the four boys and a couple of the girls fixed yesterday.   They're anxious to get out of the traps.

The rest will go home tomorrow, except the last cat caught, number 18, who will stay with me, in the Catbnb vacation suite, til he or she can be fixed Thursday.

GrandpaStud is an Awesome kitty.  He was fixed yesterday.   Now he's back in his home turf and we should all worry about that.  Kidding!
I was trying to decide if I liked yesterday's glorious Oregon weather better than todays.  It's so hard to choose.  You decide!

Here's yesterday....

And today?  Today it poured.   The traffic was horrendous driving up to the FCCO and the day was gray, wet and ugly.  I sat in a parking lot, and watched droplets form on the window and guessed when the drop would run down the window.   Now that's exciting stuff!

  So, Monday, the blizzard, or Tuesday, the driving dismal soggy rain?  Which day did I like better?  I still can't decide.

We Grow Lots of Moss Here in Oregon.  Plus various other fungi.
Well, here are the 7 cats fixed today from the Shedd colony.  Ten others were fixed yesterday and hopefully the last cat, number 18, will be fixed Thursday.  Not bad, eh, for day three of this project.  Seems so long ago, I began trapping there.  I returned the four boys fixed yesterday plus the girl who wasn't pregnant (only one of the six wasn't), this evening.

This brown tabby was a girl.  She is outraged over this entire experience.  Horrified in fact that such a thing is even allowed.  Let's call her Protest.  Protest, I will file your complaints in the appropriate inbox and we'll get back to you, maybe in a few months.  If we feel like it.  

So was this darling little thing.  Henceforth she will be known as Dove.

The fiestiest cat of the 18, a tiny little gray tabby girl.  Spunk defined!  In fact, I'll call her Spunky!

The caretakers call this little boy, probably Spunky's brother, Cowboy.  He was fixed today too.

Cowboy again

This young male is regal looking.  So that will be his name--Regal.   He's polite and sweet, unlike Spunky.

Then there's this bobtail tabby tux boy, fixed today too.  Let's call him Bobs.

And look who we have here.  If it isn't Mr. Hormone himself.  Course those hormones will be fading away in the next couple months.  But until they do, the name stays put.


  1. Well done you.
    Dove looks like a complete cutie...

    1. She is and looks like one of the boys I returned last night who just did not want to leave the trap.

  2. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Perhaps Spunky and Protest are as horrified and stressed about Trump as the rest of us. Question; while I am sure focus more on cat personalities, do you have a preference for male cats or female cats? Mine is for neutered males.

    1. I don't have a preference, depends on personality. Here the bed is the domain of females, namely Starry, Slurpy, Miss D and old Lucy. They sometimes allow the boys on the bed. Slinko doesn't know how to behave and often is a pain in the butt, over reacting and bullying. Sam is well loved by the girls, but can go on miserable tears, going after everybody, with the whiff of an unfixed male. He is a love however and I love him.

  3. Congrats on all the cats that you've had fixed in just a short amount of time. That's amazing!

    1. Thanks for saying that, L&L. It's not a glamorous job and one done in the shadows mostly, but if more people were out there, proactively doing spay, neuter, there would not be such a need for rescue and shelters. Seven of the nine females have been pregnant. That would have meant 35 or so more kittens, soon born in the berry vines, and needing rescue and homes. Just in those females first litters. The other two soon would also have been pregnant.

  4. Great names! ~snick~ We have a sunny day after quite a few dreary ones and tons of rain. But that's March in Ohio. Best wishes!

    1. We've heard rumors Friday it may not rain.

  5. My but what a lot of cats you have there!

    Your comment concerning moss and "other fungi" inspired me to do something I had long thought about which was to verify my uncertain belief that moss are fungi. They’re not: http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/blogs/you-moss-be-joking-if-you-lichen-this-to-fungi

    I grew up around Southern Moss (it is beautiful and hangs from trees), but when I was a teenager, I learned that it’s not a moss, but an air plant (Tillandsia).


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