Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Too Many Cats

I've trapped ten now at the Lebanon house.   Five of them are already gone, have moved on, while five more live in limbo in my garage and bathroom.  The Colonel too is still here, but leaving to go back home today.

That will give me some relief at least.

Yesterday, after dropping three more of the Lebanon house colony cats, at whs to be fixed, I took Bambam, a black male, and Mags and Maddie, two delightful tabby girls, all three fixed Monday, plus Ace, a tame little black and white young boy, also fixed Monday and very pregnant Molly, Mags and Maddie's mom, up to Animal Rescue and Care fund in Portland.  Along for the ride went Chloe, whom ARCF had arranged to get into Pixie Project.  She had been left behind in Sweet Home and been fed outside by an animal loving neighbor for a few months.

I'd trapped Molly, the very pregnant female, along with a black pregnant female and the three others fixed yesterday, at the Lebanon house on Monday.

They don't want most of them back.  But where do I find placements for all these cats?   At least five now are out of there and on to a second chance.

I have somewhere for the Siamese mix young boy, one of the five, to go now.   That leaves four still--two of whom are very tame.  I will go over there today again, get releases on the ones they don't want back.  I know they don't want the Siamese boy back, not sure why they dislike him so much but they do.   They don't want the young black tux male back either.   But I'm not sure on the black female, the gray tux little tame girl, or the older calico who is also tame.  It's a lot easier to place the tame ones, that's for sure.

There are more over there including a very pregnant black tux.  I won't be able to find placements for all of them I know.  I'll do the best I can, like the old woman caretaker of the cats said.

Here are the six who left yesterday, including five from the Lebanon house:

Ace left.  He was fixed Monday at Heartland and now with ARCF.

Sisters Maddie and Mags left too.  They were fixed Monday.  Maddie was pregnant and Mags was in heat.

Molly, Mags and Maddie's mom, is very very pregnant.  She left too.   

Molly again

Bambam left too.   He is half wild though and will likely be placed as a barn cat.

This is sweet Chloe, from Sweet Home, now with the Pixie Project and she has a new name---Macaroon.
Here are the three fixed yesterday from the Lebanon House colony.

This is Doobie, the Siamese mix boy.   He, of the three young cats fixed yesterday, had the least body mass.   He's not had it easy.  Poor baby.  He'll be going to Lake Oswego!  His fortunes have changed!

Poor little starving Doobie.  For some reason, they don't like him and really want him gone.

Doodle is a tame young girl kitty, who was in heat, the clinic said.  She was fixed yesterday.  She's one I need to find out if they want back or not.  I don't think they do because they said they only want two back, but I want to be sure.
Buckwheat, a young male, fixed yesterday.  I don't know if he is wild or not.  I haven't the room to find out.   The calico is in the bathroom with Doodle right now and the calico doesn't like Doodle.  She lived with a zillion other cats but absolutely has loved the luxury of living inside and attention, so was loath to share the space with Doodle when I let her out of the trap in the bathroom this morning.   I need help with these cats!
The black pregnant female is in a cage in the garage.    I had no extra spay neuter space to get her done or I would have.  She doesn't seem tame but its hard to tell. The calico seems older and could be already fixed but I don't know.   I held her back too, choosing to get males done yesterday with the three spaces I had, since they are harder to hold unfixed.   Today I'll find out if the Lebanon people will release the calico and gray tux girl.  If not I'll take the gray tux girl back, since she's fixed now.  If so, I'll find her somewhere today to go.  And the calico is placeable also, if they release her.   I know they don't want the two boys, so I'll work on finding the black tux somewhere and get the Siamese boy to his placement.

Cat juggling, I call it.  I usually don't take cats in, but this situation isn't good and the stress relief for that neighborhood and for the old woman and for the cats will be tremendous, to get them all fixed and as many placed as possible.

I'll do my best.


  1. And your best is all you can do. But with you, your best usually solves the problem. Good luck with your cat juggling.

  2. Sad and bad. I suspect that any cat who doesn't go back is getting a better life.
    Thank you for all that you do.

  3. So many precious faces. Good job.


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