Monday, March 13, 2017

Not Sure How to Handle It

I'm involved in a referred situation and I am not sure how to handle it.

The first tip off was lack of communication about the cats the people at the Lebanon house wanted fixed.   It was bizarre.

I finally got to it, went up Sunday, trapped four, even though I had just 3 open reservations.  I already had the HUGE Colonel, from another Lebanon location, in my garage ready to be fixed.

The Colonel, being fixed today at whs.
With just three open spots reservations, beyond the one for The Colonel, and four cats in traps from the Lebanon situation, I texted Heartland to see if they had surgery openings.  In the meantime, Diana said she had a big male, taken by someone with a farm and stables, who lives in Brownsville, I think, from animal control in Eugene.  Otherwise, Coal, the big black male in the trap, was going to be euthanized.  Coal has a severe neck wound.   Today Coal is being fixed at Heartland and tested positive for FIV.  Diana decided not to have him euthanized and instead will try to find him somewhere to go that will accept him, despite his FIV positive status.

Coal is FIV positive and being fixed today at Heartland.

Coal's neck wound
I tried to get information on the cats I'd trapped at the Lebanon situation, but I got nothing clear and was quite unclear even who I would talk to or text with, on the phone, with the only number provided, and the people in and out of that house made me realize it was likely a meth head haven.   Last night I never saw the colony caretaker, an old woman, who also owns the property.    Without clear information, on what cats are being fed, if any could possibly be neighbors cats, I felt very uncomfortable, was like trying to see in dense fog.

They want most of them gone.   Yeah, like that's an easy thing.

But, thankfully, Animal Rescue and Care Fund stepped in and said they would take the tame black and white boy, Ace I dubbed him, and the ferals.  First it was just the two tabbies I'd trapped, but they wanted the black male back.  I finally talked to the old woman today, who signed a release of ownership on all four, said "do your best", said she would like to only have two cats, and that nobody else really has a say since they don't own the property.  I said "Well you are in charge" and she sighed, and shrugged and looked sad and said she isn't in charge at all, that she's been "taken over" and can't evict "all these people" who have taken over her house, without paying for an eviction notice and she doesn't have the money and then she said that probably wouldn't get them out.  I felt bad for her, helpless, didn't know what to do.

But she gave the green light to take any cat to be fixed I catch there and that if I can find all but two a home and she doesn't care which two return, that would be wonderful.  I probably can't find them all homes, but its nice to actually talk to the person with the authority to say.

Ace, being fixed at Heartland today

Bambam, assuming a male, up at whs being fixed

Maddie, a tabby girl, also at whs being fixed.

Mags, also being fixed, and relinquished, and tomorrow, she, Maddie and Ace, at least, will travel north to ARCF along with a girl from Sweet Home.

It plagues my mind to think of that old woman, unable to captain her own life, over run, not talking over run by cats, talking about addicts, and she's tried to get help, sounds like, from the county over it.  I didn't know what to say.


  1. You are helping her while you help the cats. Which I expect she knows. And sometimes there are no words.

    1. Thanks EC. There is so much sadness in the world. I generally have a live and let live attitude. Many addicts find their way out of the tunnel eventually. But they have to do it on their time table.

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    It seems absurd that she can't get rid of unwanted people. I think one of them surely must have a family connection to her. At least she is reasonable about the cats.

  3. You did the woman a good service by just giving her someone to talk to. I'm sure she appreciated your help with the cats and your good ear.

  4. Big Sigh.... been a while since I've been able to comment. You do the best you can and definitely do more than most.

  5. Anonymous1:33 PM

    My heart breaks for the ones who suffer needlessly. Thank you for being there when it is difficult. Hugs.

  6. There are so many sad stories. ~sigh~ Bless you for doing what you can for these precious creatures. Coal's wound looks nasty. I'm so grateful he has a new lease on life.


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