Friday, March 10, 2017

Four More Fixed Yesterday

I've been sleeping a lot, exhausted from efforts earlier in the week with the Shedd colony.  I'm energetic and tireless until a big project is done with, then I have to sleep it off, can take a week to recover.

I did round up three other cats to be fixed yesterday at Heartland.   Two came from the Albany woman.  Originally it was four from there along with some Lebanon cats I was going to get fixed Monday.  But both fell through, with the Lebanon folks pretty much non communicative and the Albany woman forgot and was gone.   that's how I ended up in Shedd instead.   It was a good thing.

Yesterday two of the Albany woman's cats were fixed, a boy and girl, who lives outside and they don't know where she came from.  She was pregnant.  While the Albany woman was sad to hear she was pregnant at spay, she conceded the kittens would have been born in the berry vines or under a house, turned feral to only breed more.   She's quite shy, and only lets one person there touch her.
Lisa Marie, fixed yesterday
Michael Jackson was also fixed yesterday

Another female who lives in a shop in Lebanon, just showed up there, was fixed too. She had possibly a miscarraige in the shop.  The folks found a quarter size jelly fish looking bubble with blood on it where she was sitting.  So my friend Diana, who knows them, picked her up and yesterday she was spayed.  Delilah will return once she recovers with Diana a few days.
And the fourth cat fixed was the 18th cat from the Shedd colony to be fixed this week.  I called him Berry, and yes, a boy, making the colony evenly divided.  Nine girls and nine boys.  Berry is the sweetest little boy on earth, I think.  I just want to hug him.  Today however he goes home to his family.

Berry looks a lot like all the other cats from the Shedd colony.  He's so darn sweet, however, I just love him. 
I fell asleep after picking up the cats yesterday.   And then woke suddenly with a text from Diana, who was almost here to pick up Delilah.  Then, still in a daze of tired, I couldn't find my keys, so I could return Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson, so Diana took the cats and me to the Albany woman's home, to return them.  I found the keys minutes after returning.

With Berry going home today, the Shedd colony chapter will close.  I'm glad to have helped get all those cats fixed quickly.

Thank you also to the FCCO and to Willamette Humane's feral fix program and to Heartland Humane.


  1. You must be exhausted. I am glad that Diana was there to drive you.
    Rest well. And thank you.

    1. I am exhausted. Yes, was good timing, that she was here to pick up her cat and gave me a ride to deliver the other two.

  2. Your idea of rest is inspiring. ~hugs~ Lisa Marie looks a lot like a skinnier version of my Tilly while Michael Jackson is almost a carbon copy of my beloved, deceased Luna. Rest well!

    1. I do make sure I get my ZZZzzz's, otherwise I'm no good to anyone, not even myself. Finally figured that out, number one I have to make sure I get my sleep.

  3. You do such an amazing work.

  4. Hope this finds you caught up on your sleep. I'm sure you're tired sometimes with the incredible amount of things you do.

    1. Yes, caught up, thanks L and L!


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