Saturday, July 30, 2016

Two Kittens in Search of a Home

I have Bluey and Toby here, two kittens from the Albany colony.   They have experienced huge life changes in just a week.  I trapped Toby last Saturday and Bluey not til Tuesday.

Both are now fixed and have tamed rapidly.  I even took them to an adoption event today in Lebanon at Affordable Dog Grooming.  They were not adopted but they needed exposure to humans other than me.

Bluey is smart and very very sweet.  She adores other cats, loves to cuddle and wants a quiet indoor only home.

Toby is all boy, loves to rough house and play.

Sleepy kittens

They LOVED meeting the adult cats here, Slinko in this case, but safely through the foster cage wire since my adult cats are rather hissy and full of adult issues, especially when it comes to kittens.
At the adoption event

Sleepy kitten!
They did very well for two kittens only a week or less from living under a house.


  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    They look quite relaxed . Adoption events sound like a good idea.

    1. They did great, Andrew, for kittens so soon out of a wild life.

  2. We can not have pets... we can not have pets... we can not have pets.... I have to keep reminding myself of our "not the norm" lifestyle every time I see kitties like Bluey. I hope she finds a good home, she's adorable.

    1. Ha ha, Sharon! Bluey is out of the ordinary, smart, aware, quite not your ordinary kitten.

  3. What little sweethearts.

  4. They are gorgeous, and I hope they find a home soon.

  5. They look wonderful. I'm sure they will find a home soon.

  6. Toby looks a lot like my beloved Luna except she had gray dots on the top corners of her nose. I still miss her every day. Wish I could adopt every needy animal. ~sigh~ Thank you again for your fantastic efforts!


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...