Monday, July 25, 2016


Cat in Trap Recovery Shelves I got at the Restore!
I got all nine cats fixed today.  The colony seven I took to be fixed today included four females and three males.  Three of the females will go to Spay Inc. as she talked the people out of them, basically to save the cats.  They're all so horribly skinny and parasite ridden.

The boys go back tomorrow.  The other two cats were a big huge black tux male from Brownsville and a gray long hair female from Tangent.  The Tangent girl is already back home.  Awaiting the Brownsville transport lady who brought him up after helping the woman who feeds him get him contained.

Here is Lucinda, the only one of the 7 colony cats I didn't show a picture of in my other post.  She was fixed today and will go back home, but the other three wilder females, Goldie, Saphire and Sweet Pea (I named them) will not.

Bruiser from Brownsville, freshly neutered.

Geez Louise, you were in heat.  Now spayed and back in Tangent.
Back at the colony, there is one more female needing caught and one more kitten, but that's it.

This girl still needs caught and fixed.


  1. A huge job.. very well done! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks! Still have one more girl to catch at the colony, and a boy who lives down the block but "went wild on them". But they want him fixed, so hope to catch him too.

  2. I don't know whether I am happiest that all of those you caught have been fixed, or that the girls won't be going back to where they were neglected. Both are wonderful outcomes.
    Good luck on the remaining pair.

    1. Yes, good luck to them. I caught the last kitten this morning and returned the boys. Spay Inc. just picked up the kitten, and the three girls. A wilder boy was also relinquished. Spay Inc. is getting some help from other groups in placing them, so that's good. I was happy to help trap and fix some of them.

  3. How do you determine which cat goes back to the colony and which one doesn't?

    1. It's the ones the "owners" will relinquish. They have relinquished several of the wilder ones who are off to a new home this week. Right now Goldie, the muted calico, Sapphire and Sweet Pea, both young females, and all the kittens plus one male have been relinquished. So, four adults, seven kittens off to new lives. Spay Inc. has them, but is getting help from some other groups. I was just an assist on this one, in catching them and fixing seven of the adults.

  4. I love the picture of Bruiser :)

    1. Bruiser is doing well, after his surgery, his "owners" report. He showed up at a gas station and is now fed by two neighbors down in Brownsville.

  5. i love the recovery shelving for the carriers. always so clever! use that vertical space :)!


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...