Friday, April 08, 2016

H is for Hairballs

to Z blog post day again. Only I got help. Elephants Child said she'd do the H post. Isn't that awesome? Hallelujah!

Here is EC's H contribution. Anybody want to write the I post for Monday?

H is for Hairballs, Hacked up (with accompanying disgusting noises...

H is for Hairballs, Hurled onto soft surfaces for me to find and clean. Despite the fact that doing so makes me want to Hurl.

H is for Horrible, repetitive tasks like kitty litter. H is also for How in Hell and I going to find the funds to feed to keep them as they should be kept.

H is for Hooray – my world would be seriously diminished without my furry Overlords.


  1. I have been woken far too often to the unmistakable sound which is a cat about to hoick its stomach contents either on the bed, or on the floor beside it where I can step in it. Eeeeeuw.
    And I love the hairy monsters just the same.

    1. Me too, that dry hacking and the position they take to better hack it up.

  2. Hooray for Elephants Child for Helping out just when you needed it. She came up with a fun post. :)

    1. Maybe she would do the I post for you Monday!

  3. Hacking up Hairballs... we don't have kitties now, but I can vividly remember waking up in the night and hearing my cat hacking up hairballs... right on the bed. Yeah... that's the perfect "h".

    1. It should be a rap song, "The Hairball Hack"

  4. H is also for Hooray--as in hooray for friends who step in to help :-)

  5. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I could have written this! You nailed H. Well done, Happier-for-Having-Hairy-Friends. Hugs.

    1. Actually Elephants Child did the post for me, been a little busy. Will do an off A to Z post about it.

  6. Ah love this. The blog, not the hairballs, that is. I will come back soon. Love cats.

    A-Z Challenge no 1188 Dark History Blog

  7. Haven't seen one of those in a while. Lost my furry friend a while back, Sure do miss her.


Some Appointments

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