Friday, April 08, 2016

G is for Good Grief!

Ah damn, another day, another letter of the alphabet in the A to Z challenge.  How'd I get trapped into this scene again.  I am loath to quit anything once I start.  Maybe that's a flaw and I need to try something new, like bagging the A to Z challenge right now.

Not today.

G is for Good Grief!

As in Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

The guilt free swear phrase of exasperation!  It's probably a divert from "Good God" or "Good Lord".  

My mother took up using it frequently.  She had lots to swear about,   I still use it now and then, in settings when more expressive swear words are certainly in order but not in best interest to use at the time.

I was going to write about Gumdrops but I hate them.  They stick to my teeth.

Or Ginseng.  I do like Ginseng candy.

How about graduation?  I graduated from high school but not college.

Or Geese?   The Canada Geese have been flying over in huge V formations.  The lead goose of the V changes routinely.  I wonder how they choose?   Is that lead goose responsible for navigation?

I Give up.  Get it?   Ha!

G is for Good Grief and whatever else.

A couple of Good Grief photos!

Good Grief!  The bank owned neighbors house lawn.  The bank doesn't take care of it.  Finally I took my week whacker to the 16 inch tall weeds and only got so far, before the weed whackers motor overheated or burned up.  I haven't tried starting it up again.  It was in not great shape when given to me.
Good Grief!  Angel's hair, but only some of it.  I spent over two hours clipping her yesterday, using scissors, because my clipper blades are too dull to cut anything and the only place that would sharpen them closed a year ago.  Angel has long hair with a very fine undercoat that mats if you look at it.  The job is tedious and difficult using scissors.


  1. Sounds like we're both hitting the wall on this challenge at the same time. I know exactly how you feel, but I want to quit, but won't.

    Have you ever thought about felting all of that cat hair? It can be felted just like wool. I've thought about it, but I have short-haired cats and had too hard of a time accumulating enough to work with.

    1. I will have to look that up, how its done. I clip all the long hairs at least twice a year, and sometimes other cats, to reduce hair floating around. Sounds interesting. I probably won't quit either, am stubborn that way.

  2. Our great-granddaughter calls her grandfather (our son-in-law) GeeGee. (but she calls her grandmother (my daughter) DayGlo... Good Grief! Where do these names come from? I'd rather go through the alphabet with my camera than be called either....

    1. Oh yikes, Dayglo? That's like maybe an old hippy nickname from the 60's.

  3. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Golly gosh, the geese must be exciting to glimpse.

  4. The mere thought of blogging every day Gives me the cold Grues. ConGratulations on your tenacity. And Grit.

    1. Let's be sneaky. You write the H post, send it to me via email and I get the day off, I just copy and paste!!! How about it?

  5. Going to Get there. You'll see. Gradually fewer letters as you Go. Grab some rest this weekend!

  6. I am so blessed that we can afford to take Tilly to a groomer. She gets dreadlocks if she goes too long without being shaved. You amaze me with all you do. Sorry about the weed whacker. That stinks.
    Awakening Dreams and Conquering Nightmares with a Pen
    Best wishes!

    1. Yes, the weed whacker's demise does stink. I haven't started it up again. That day it died, when doing the neighbors place, it would go after I let it sit for a long while to cool down, but only really slow speed. I cleaned it out, all that, but haven't tried it again. I think I fried the motor


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...