Saturday, April 09, 2016

Busy Busy, Non A to Z Post

The last day and half, been busy.  Trapping a colony way up in Sweet Home, which is a 45 minute drive one way from here.  It's like trapping in Eugene, only Sweet Home is tiny compared to Eugene and east instead of south.

The trailer park where I'm trapping is not unknown to me.  Years ago I trapped there, several times, when asked by KATA.    Sweet Home has several trailer parks notorious for people who don't fix their pets then just leave them, when they leave.   Gone on forever.  I wish people and owners of places like that, would change.  Fat chance.

This woman has been feeding mostly tossed males.  Males get left behind and kicked out often as they begin to mature, from kittenhood, and begin spray marking and wanting to roam and fight.

So far, we've caught four big males and one pregnant wild torti.

I left some traps with the woman, since its so tough to drive up that far, then back.  I hope she catches others.  

So far have caught two of the three orange males, one gray male, one black male and the one girl.  But there's the other orange, a big white male, a black and white male, two younger teens too, both gray tabbies.  I think the woman wore herself out last night, however, waiting on a trap, hoping, but nobody got in it, not until she put it out again this morning.

Even just getting these five fixed will certainly help.  The park is over run again in unfixed cats.  Some things never change.

Pregnant Torti

Big upset black male

Gray boy who hangs with torti girl

One of the two orange males caught.  Both are somewhat cross eyed
They and anybody else caught will be fixed tomorrow.  Been burning the midnight oil however, going up and back, and caring for them.  Took a nice long nap this afternoon.


  1. No wonder you are knackered.
    Glad that you got the nap. Naps are good. Very good.

    1. It wasn't just the trapping. Ever since Miss D got the steroid shot when she had her remaining teeth pulled, as an experiment to see if it helps her IBS, she's been "up" a lot, especially at night. And when she's up, she thinks I should be up, and makes sure that happens. Oh, I could have killed her last night. Lol. The nap was GREAT!

    2. Yeah, they like you up when they are up. Very annoying. Five is a lot of cats. I'm sure it will make a difference.

    3. Yes, they do want company when up. Well, that number is now 8 cats and it will make a difference. I'm going to scrounge the trailer park woman a trap, so she can continue to trap anybody who roams in unfixed. Now that will make a difference, to have someone (other than me, even better) there, with trap at the ready.

  2. This could have been your "I" day... Involved... Interested.... maybe even Incestuous if those cross-eyed cats are related... just trying to help ;-)

    1. Or Inbred? I should ask you to write the "I" post for tomorrow. you are good. Caught a total of 8 cats. Off to the FCCO.

  3. Huge kudos to you for getting these guys fixed. It's an endless job. I've also found a lot of folks don't bother with fixing the males because they don't have to deal with the kittens. It falls on the owners of the females, which is an unfortunate attitude.

    1. I know, its kind of twisted in that manner, almost like in our human society, where the single moms get all the flack, but the impregnators just keep on impregnating, without consequence. But the diseases spread through fighting males here is epidemic, particularly FIV.

  4. I want to say "poor babies" but these are some of the lucky ones. Too bad the mean, irresponsible humans cannot be trapped and fixed.
    Awakening Dreams and Conquering Nightmares with a Pen
    Take care!

    1. That's a bad trailer park, full of drugs and drama. Happy this woman is trying to at least keep the cats left behind fixed and fed.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...