Sunday, March 13, 2016

R.I.P. My Beloved Vision (June 1993 to March 2016)

Goodbye my precious friend.  I will never forget you.

Vision died tonight beside me.

She had a cold, but seemed better.  However, this morning, she did not trot out to meet me as she usually does.  I went to find her in her usual bed.  She was cold  and wobbly on her feet.

I got her onto my bed, warmed, on a heat pad, fluids in her and over the day, spent a lot of time on the bed, curled up with her.  Her friends were there too, off and on.  Miss Daisy and Starry mostly.   Her best friends were Panda and Honey.

She improved during the day, got up to eat some but was weak.  It's Vision, I thought, she'll probably come through it.  She's tough as nails.

But tonight she suddenly cried out, arched in pain, gasped and died.   When she cried out, four cats ran to her, worried.  Miss Daisy quickly retreated, understanding what was happening.  Miss Daisy remains subdued.

Vision's heart finally gave out.  My beautiful baby, who followed me like a puppy, who loved to head butt and fought with Miss Daisy over my lap as recently as four days ago, has left us.

It was her time. She would have been 23 in June.  Boy how we will miss her.


  1. I am so sorry! *hugs*

    1. Thank you Cranky, I loved her for a very long time.

  2. I am so very sorry. It hurts like hell.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Just want to let you know how much I care.

    1. Thank you Sharon. I know you care. Makes me feel good that you do.

  4. It's always sad to lose an animal friend, but it sounds like she lived a good life.

    1. She had a great life with many friends who loved her. I was one of them.

  5. what a great lady cat !! she will be missed

    1. She was a great lady, Kate, loyal, funny. She used to horde toys behind the frig or anywhere she could, in big piles. She was the last living river cat.

  6. So sad, no matter how old they are when that happens. She was so fortunate to have your love!

  7. So sorry. This is always so difficult. She had a better life than most cats on the planet, though, and there is some comfort in that.

    1. She had a great life, no one can deny that. Its just the loss I must deal with, of my pitter patter friend.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....