Saturday, March 12, 2016

Mr. Attitude

I've had over 50 unfixed cats come through my yard, since moving here, but I'd never seen this guy before he ended up in a trap I unloaded last night and left out, inadvertently, still set from trapping down town.

And caught this guy, whose attitude is very very sour.

He hisses, growls, strikes at me and I ignore him and pass him in food, which he gobbles as he growls.   I talk baby talk to him and sprinkle catnip.

Sweet Mad Max, a gracious kitty caught at the down town colony, is now growling too, but he wasn't before I moved Ghandi up next to him.  I hope naming him Mr. Really Bad Attitude---Ghandi, will help turn him peaceful, but I doubt it.

But neutering him might.


  1. A little Benadryl might help until he's neutered.

  2. Oh the difference. I suspect most human males would tell you that neutering them would make their attitude get worse...
    Somedays I have my doubts.

    1. Some attitudes are just born into a cat or person, but some, are hormone propelled. Let's hope he is of the latter ilk and soon will be attending peace rallies.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....