Sunday, March 27, 2016

Calico John

I met Calico John for what I thought would be the first and last time way back in January of 2009.

A vet had given out my number to one of his clients who fed strays and I dutifully went to work immediately on the colony and trapped 10 or so cats.  They were fixed at an FCCO mobile clinic over at the Benton County fairgrounds.

One of the cats was a big hunky calico.

During the day, at the clinic, someone in the van, called me inside, laughing.  They wanted me to see my calico get neutered.  Yes, neutered.

Henceforth I called him Calico John.  I returned him to his colony and that was over six years ago.

But today I stopped by the same house.  She thought she had two more unfixed males now, but one turned out to be already fixed and the other was a no show to be fixed tomorrow.  However, atop the fence, giving me the eye, was Calico John.

He's looking pretty darn good six years down the road.

Another odd occurrence this weekend, I heard a ruckus in my garage.  My cats were all upset in the runs over something.  The garage door had been open.   I go out and see a cat crouched back among my yard tools.   I didn't know if he was wild or tame and figured he'd leave, given some time, but he didn't.  Two hours later, I decided to close the garage door and set a trap.  I caught him quickly.  Nice big unfixed male, some scratches on his face, but what in the world was he doing in my garage?  Besides pee marking.

I am not sure if he is totally tame or not.  I put him in a comfy cage and let him eat, and he ate a lot, then he just slept for about 24 hours.  Must have been worn out.   And likely scared to death by something out there, another big male wanting to beat him down or maybe a dog, I don't know.  Was quite odd and I'm not sure what to do with him.


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I would have thought all the confined cats would have kept others away. Maybe hunger or sex, or as you suggest fear, got the better of him.

    1. This time of year, with unfixed males roaming, the sight of other cats draws them, as they think/hope there will be a female willing, in heat. Alas. They roam into the wrong yard.

  2. Hope springs eternal.
    And that pussy cat has made his last testosterone driven mistake...

    1. Yes, the hope of spring and love in the air. Not sure what garage boy's story is, or why he fled to the far reaches of my garage. Just tired maybe? Maybe he encountered Ghandi and Ghandi is big enough and hissy enough to scare the living daylights out of any other cat of lesser attitude.

  3. "Garage boy". ~snicker~ You have an awesome knack for names. And Calico John is an amazing find. Ironic to read this today, too, because my partner and I were just discussing the rarity of male calicos and the odds they won't be healthy due to distorted genetics. Wonder if his chromosomes are XXY or something. He looks fantastic! You do great works.

    1. He sure seems healthy and was an adult when fixed in 2009. He's got to be 8 or older.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....