Monday, February 29, 2016

Good Luck Garfield, Benny and Gypsy

I took the three cats, two of whom I drove up to Portland to be fixed, over to their people's new house today.

Their people were on the verge of physical and mental break down.   Moving hell, I call it.  Glazed over, almost hysterical from the stress and work and sleep deprivation.  I felt so bad for them.  She was babbling.  Oh how I know that feeling, of being so tired, I just babble incoherently.

The cage was already over there and mostly set up.  I secured the rest of it, when I went over with the cats, and also tarped half the top and one side, the side the stuck out into the weather from under the eaves.

Then together the woman and I secured a carrier to the shelf and I carried in an awkward, heavy cat tree I'd made, from the remnants of the cat wheel stand.   They needed amenities in the cage, to be comfortable.

I had brought them two litter boxes, one for the cage and they needed another in the house for their other two cats, one of whom is from another litter Gypsy had.  Benny is the only survivor of her last litter.  He is scrawny and needs some serious feeding to build up.

Wouldn't you know it Garfield had gotten nervous on the ride over and needed to go and couldn't hold it any longer, spewing diarrhea all over the bedding in one of my carriers and on himself.  So I cleaned him up, using sanitary wipes, best I could, after letting him out.  That was a stinky job, but I couldn't leave him that way.

I meant to take photos of the set up but that thought got lost in all the work.

It was a lot of work, to help out those cats and get them situated for hopefully successful relocation.  You never know if it will work out or not, but its up to them now.

Good luck Benny, Garfield and Gypsy.  And good luck to that couple.  If they don't kill each other under the stress of this move, they'll be just fine.  Their house is beyond awesome!  I love it.

The cat tree I built quickly this morning, for the cage
Market on 34th was damaged last weekend when a teen driver lunged forward in his or her car, smashing the side of the building.
Then there is this motor bike, home made by a guy who lives on Jackson.  I had to ask to take a photo.  It can go up to 35 mph, although its not street legal and is highly maneuverable.  Now that's clever!


  1. What a nervous wreck you all must have been... kitties included. I sure hope the guys adjust and do well... not everyone gets another chance. You are one good person!

    1. I hope they do. Bad timing as we are going to have a wind and rain storm hit. 50 mph winds in the valley.

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Here it is normally some 75+ who lunges into something like that. Good luck to the trio in their new home.

    1. Usually here too, Andrew, hitting gas instead of brake. Allegedly the teen was driving a manual and let slip the clutch. Excuse I think. Who drives a manual anymore?

  3. Good luck indeed to them all.
    Love your cat tree.
    And that bike.

    1. The Cat Wheel is getting its nine lives in, in various other structures built with its pieces.

    2. It's fun to see how the Cat Wheel is being reincarnated.

  4. I truly wish there were more people like you around.

    1. Me too, then I wouldn't be spread so thin! Thanks Cranky.


Some Appointments

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