Sunday, January 17, 2016

Victory is Mine! Dryer Working!

I have claimed victory in the battle for dry clothing.

The dryer has acquiesced to my fumbling repairs.

No longer does it screech like a pissed off Banshee as it turns.

Victory is mine.

So are dry clothes.  I don't have to finish drying my T-shirts by wearing them.

After three days of them hanging over a door.

Bwah ha ha!

Bad glider bracket on left, compared to the new one on right.  Note the groove worn in the metal beneath the glider pad from the drum rim.  I replaced this bracket and glider plus the bearing felt.  The bearing felt had to be glued on, and the glue had to dry at least 24 hours, which is what slowed the repair to a crawl.  The drum collected junk in the garage for five days.  At least it was useful.

Severely twisted bent glider bracket on the left, new one on right.
I rely on the sages of youtube to get me through these repairs.   From single moms to grandmas to middle aged bearded men in over sized jeans, I worship you, gurus of youtube.


  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Youtube is truly brilliant for that sort of thing. How grateful are we that people selflessly upload these sort of things. Happy drying.

  2. Yeah! Good work. That's some impressive groove you showed us.

  3. You are so funny! I, too, have relied on youtube to learn all sorts of strange things... like make an origami crane from a piece of paper (for a geocache of course) to figure out a knitting stitch that had me stumped. Pretty amazing, huh?

    1. Youtube is the most amazing resource, for knowledge sharing. I rely on it and I love it and now I want to make an origami crane.

  4. I am VERY impressed!

    1. Thank you. I was shocked actually, when it spun without screeching, after back together.

  5. Well done. That is one impressive groove.

    1. There is consensus, that the groove is quite impressive.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....