Sunday, January 17, 2016

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Rain, rain and more rain.  That's been the story of Oregon for months now.  It's depressing.  Day in, day out, pouring rain, cold, gray and miserable.  The cat yard has been flooded more often than not.  Algae is growing on everything.  Even in my soul, I think sometimes.  I want to hibernate and forget I live here and dream of sun and warm water and laughter.

I haven't fixed the dryer yet.  The parts came late Friday.  I glued the new felt seal on the front bearing.  The old one was all but decayed, frayed and falling apart.   I realize I should also have purchased one for the back.  But oh well  The glue had to dry at least 24 hours, so I guess mid day today I can try to put the thing back together.

This is how I've been drying for a week now.
It's quite slow, as you might guess and puts water into the house, which isn't good.
Here's to dreaming of the sun.  The sun is considered a UFO here.


  1. I hope the UFO lands. And isn't scared away.
    Good luck on the drier fix.
    Wet washing festooned around the house is sooooo depressing.

    1. Yes it is depressing, it's like watching grass grow, in the winter, which it doesn't. I think I blew the seal glue on, got jilted off, on one side. Very hard to glue it, and clamp in place, as clamps don't fit over the rim well at all. I'm trying to do a jury rig. At least the bearing now slides on the drum without scraping noises, which is a good sign, but now I have to wait for my "fixes" to dry.

  2. We finally had snow today, but we had been having a lot of rain. Hope everything dries soon both outside and in.

  3. Anonymous4:19 PM

    No danger of drought this year then.

    1. No drought, just deluge!

    2. It's the El Nino thing going on.

    3. Anonymous1:13 AM

      Yes, affecting us, but in the weirdest ways.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....