Sunday, January 31, 2016

Surreal Slinko Sundays

Some time ago, I began a facebook page for Slinko, the big male I trapped in a feral colony that had to be removed.  I thought Slinko was a wild boy, until a year later, that is.  I call the page A Home for Slinko.

It was freezing out.  Until that time, Slinko spent his days in the cat yard and garage cat room.  But that day, he came in, and was milling next to super friendly Sam, whom Slinko adores.  When I approached, he turned his back to me and arched it.

This is a universal sign a cat gives---pet me!  So I petted him.

After that, he was all over me.  He's awkward with the other cats.  He wants to play and tumble but they mistake his overtures for aggression.  And he can be a bad boy.

Heartland was not impressed however, when I took him there, to have his second dental a year ago.  He'd began yawning then wincing in pain when he'd close his mouth.   These are mouth and tooth pain signs.   He went to one vet but she pulled only one tooth and his pain continued.  So Heartland helped me out with a second effort in which four more bad teeth were pulled.   I had bragged about how tame he had become, but he acted worse than any big feral male would act there.  

I'd been trying to find Slinko a house boy home.  After that, I realized it will not be.   So I turned Slinko's facebook page, into a weekly art photo of him that I post on Sunday.  I call the works Surreal Slinko Sunday, or SSS for short.  Here are some of my SSS creations.

Today's SSS post I entitled "On Fire"


  1. What a diverse gallery of art... Slinko is quite the artist model!

    1. He is quite the model stud, I would say, and know it!

  2. wow what great cats.. Love them

    1. Thanks Gosia, they are all the same cat--Slinko!

  3. He is SUCH a beautiful boy.
    And I love what you have done with his portraits too.

  4. Slinko must sense that you are a friend to cats and trusts you. And what a fun gallery of portraits you have of him. I think he knows he has his own FB page.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....