Friday, July 25, 2014

On a Happier Note.....Remember Studley, the yard stray before last?

Bad things have happened lately around here.  And in the world.

As stress built for me, night before last, and I witnessed an episode of road rage in front of me, when someone cut someone else off....I wanted to jump out of my car and yell at the antagonists, "Lighten up, you jerks! We have to love each other. Don't you know the world is crumbling around us due to all this violence and greed? I wanted to yell....

Muslim extremists are going to sexually mutilate the women of Iraq!

Russian backed rebels shoot down two more Ukraine planes!

500 children found locked in rat and roach infested shelter in Mexico!

Underground water reserves depleted in seven state region, water apocalypse feared close!

And climate change brings maggots to Chicago homes!"

OMG, I thought, I'm the one who needs to lighten up. I've become a facebook feed.

I need to change what I feed my brain.

That's when I came home and Nyquilized.

Today I'm trying to focus on happy things.  Like this video I found, being shared, of a lone kitten without a real friend, so he's playing wildly with a ceramic orange and white cat, about his size, and it's hysterical.

And on the photos Heartland Humane in Corvallis sent me of Studley, now named Donald, in his new home.  They were sent by his new owners.  They even wanted to bring him to Heartland to show him off and how well he is doing.

Remember Studley?   He was the sad starved buff and white boy, who hung out in my yard for a month, spray marking to beat the band.  I had to trap him, because he was driving my cats mad, with that, and because I felt so sorry for him.

Safehaven refused to take him on, but Heartland took him in and he got a home within three weeks, and his owners adore him and he adores them AND their dogs.

Who knew?


Receiving these photos made me so happy. Also, I hear that Galihad, another abandoned Albany boy, is doing well, still in a trial home, under OCO's eye up in the Portland area. The kittens are doing well also, I'm told this morning, and will soon be scheduled for neuter. Both are now of weight for that to be done.


  1. That's too cute. Thanks for sharing. If it weren't for you, ya know... :-)
    You are a take action kinda gal!

  2. Thanks Autumn. I do try, but I'm flawed and messed up like everybody else, that's for sure.

  3. LOVE that Studley has a new name, a new home and a new chance.
    Thank you. Without you he (and a LOT of other cats) wouldn't have that chance.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....