Saturday, August 03, 2013

Happy Cats Day

Here in the mid valley of Oregon, after a cloudy start, the day turned warm again.  Hot even.

I'm still recovering from whatever happened in my mouth, still aching and sometimes sick feeling, but much better I think.  Today I finished my antenna project, upgrading the cable running from the antenna and the attachments to both the UHF and VHF parts of that old antenna.

I ran the new cable down the old chimney which comes out inside right above my TV.  Long ago, I removed the wood stove since my brother didn't want to jump through the hoops of getting it approved on his insurance.

I now get even more channels!   They come in bright and terrific!

I fixed one gutter hole after cleaning it with rubber spray.  I love that stuff.

I also fixed a sagged eaves board.

That's enough fixing for the day.

Blueberry and Forest are best friends now.  Forest also loves Teddy from the homeless camp.  All three love sleeping up in the old maple tree, that split down the middle of the trunk, but now is trying to grow back.

Blueberry and Forest.

My baby Blueberry.  Although.....she's turned into a giant.  

Tweetie, formerly of Columbus Greens trailer park, mostly stays in the garage cat room and cat yard, where she follows me around when I'm out there.  Her sister, Button, a big torbie, likes it inside more.
Smolder, in the garage room.
Smolder is my biggest cat.  He's not fat, he's long and tall.  His mom, Sage, was huge and extremely smart.  Maine Coon in their heritage. Smolder and Sage went to a home together, but Smolder hid in a wall, so Sage hid in there with him, although she would come and go from the hole, just returning to check on her son.  So the people called me to come get them.  I had to find them, then fish Smolder out of the hole in the wall.  Sage came out to supervise.  Sage went on to get about the best home she could have imagined.  But Smolder is still waiting.

The cats are happy and lounging today, for the most part.  Sushi, from Millersburg, is still in my bathroom, but leaving soon, for Portland.  She's mostly over her cold, but will need eye treatment, to really kick that back, for a couple of weeks more.  So the fact the Portland woman is taking her makes me happy since I'm almost out of old eye meds.  She has more.

I generally have only one working pair of shoes, plus my old faithful sandals and some flip flops.  This year the Sketchers tennis shoes fell apart quickly and so I got two more pair of shoes.  One pair is Nordstroms 604's and the other, another Sketchers.  I don't have many options.  I go to the mall shoe outlet and try to find any pair that fits and usually I find none or maybe one pair, in my size, which is usually 11 narrow.

I have to take what I can find.  Or go barefoot.  So now I have the old Sketchers, with already holes in the toes, after just five months, and the two other pair.  I have the one leg half inch or more shorter than my right leg, which puts too much pressure on my right leg and hip, causing me pain, especially when the shoes I'm wearing break down.  I can always tell.

I got a heel insert and wear it only in my left shoe to try to equalize the leg length discrepancy.  I think long term this will be helpful, but short term, it's giving me knee pain on my left knee which really never bothers me.  Shoes can really throw off your whole body or fix problems, but I'm no expert and it's all hit and miss.

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