Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Great Day for Local Cats. Local Cat Trapper Exhausted!

It was indeed a great day for local cats.   14 more made the trip north, after my sleepless night, to the FCCO clinic, a day after Obama visited Portland to raise tons of money.  I can't even wrap my mind around the amount of money that goes into political campaigns.  Dollar signs too big for me to comprehend.

I took up seven cats from the Peoria Road colony, two males from one Lebanon location and five cats from the Lebanon Bad Eye Kitten Colony.  One of those, an older gray male, new to the colony, was euthanized after testing positive for leukemia.

I also stopped in at a friend's place, in Wilsonville, on the way up, to pick up a cat she needed transported to the clinic.  She gave me chocolate!  I was already nibbling on a bag of blueberries given me by the Peoria road cat caretakers.  What could be better for breakfast?  Chocolate and Oregon blueberries!

I left behind, in my garage, three of the Lebanon teens I'd trapped, and a Lebanon kitten, eventually also headed to a Portland rescue to join his brother.  I had no room, and was already taking up one more than I was scheduled for.  Plus, I had to have room for my raft in the car, along with all those cats.

I left behind three orange tabby kittens in my bathroom, too little to be fixed.  They're going to Heartland tomorrow.  The two boys from the same place the kittens came from needed somewhere too and Karmen my Wilsonville friend offered to take them, once fixed, end of day,  when I returned the cat I transported for her.  So that settled that.  I called their caretaker to be sure but she had already told me they had to find homes.  She was very excited they could stay with Karmen until placed.
Lebanon muted torti male fixed today then taken in by a Wilsonville rescue.  His name is now Picasso.

Mufasso, DMH laid back orange tabby Lebanon male now with a Wilsonville rescue after he was fixed today at the FCCO.

One of three orange tabby kittens from the same Lebanon location as Picasso and Mufasa came from, now in my bathroom, but they are heading to Heartland.  They were alive in fleas.  They had earmites so bad their little ears were impacted with ear mite debris "rocks" and their bellies look like they are pregnant due to worms.  They're still pooping out worms from one worming!

The poor boys had existed on dog food out there.

After dropping off the cats, I headed straight to Forest Grove, via a new and very fast route taking 26 west.  I don't think it even took half hour.  Off I went then with a Forest Grove friend to Hagg Lake.  I had loaded my raft into the front seat of the car, the only place with any space left, intent on having some fun.  And fun we had in a rarely seen Oregon sun, on the lake.  We were silly! 

I had to stop at the rest area on the way home, to nap.  I got too tired to drive and took about an hours nap, propped in my car which had begun to stink badly.  The Peoria road big male had peed and whew!!!!

Once home, I napped for a couple more hours before being able to function enough to get all the cats settled for the night.  I have a cry baby amongst them, a little orange tabby teen from Peoria road.  So he's in with mom and his siblings who, worried over him, began licking his face once I put him in the cage with them, to sooth him, which worked.

And now my cats are going to sooth me, as I lay down to rest, after a great day, for the cats and for me, seeing some beloved friends, having some fun under the sun. I am done in! I bet I won't last two minutes before sleep and sweet dreams take me away.
Black male from Lebanon Bad Eye Kitten Colony, fixed yesterday at the FCCO.

Black tux female, fixed yesterday at the FCCO from the Lebanon Bad Eye Kitten colony.  Three of her four teen kittens, are in my garage and will be fixed tomorrow.  I hope to also catch the fourth tonight.

Charlie, a black and white male, from the Lebanon Bad Eye Kitten Colony, was fixed yesterday.

Gray tux female from Lebanon Bad Eye Kitten Colony, fixed yesterday.  She is mom of three kittens, one of them the Bad Eye Kitten!  I have the 2nd of her three now in my garage and he will be moving to a Portland rescue tomorrow.  I hope to catch her third kitten as the rescue will take him also and he would be so much better off away from that area.

Another male from this colony taken to the FCCO yesterday, an older gray male, was euthanized when he tested positive for Felk.

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Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...