Sunday, July 11, 2010

Goodbye Ginger!

My Corvallis friends, Jim and Jane, adopted Ginger this morning. Good luck, little girl! They had previously adopted Whisper Willow from me, then a Lebanon kitten in a bad situation. Now, they add Ginger to their cat mix!

That leaves me only Machi and Buttercup, from the four orangies, out of the Lebanon trailer park. I still have two tabby on white orange boys, a brown tabby on white girl, and the black and white curled tail girl from the downtown Albany feral calico, Meesa, also still here, but returning home shortly.

I have Slurpy, but she is spoken for. And now Scout, from N. Albany, if I keep him here for adoption, since he's an older kitten.

I definitely have six kittens who will need homes once fixed: Machi, Buttercup, and the four Albany kittens. I haven't named them yet and I need to. Help please! Two orange and white males, a brown tabby on white female and a black and white girl with curled tail.

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