Saturday, May 08, 2010


This was Richards favorite cat, the mother of four gray and white kittens I took out last summer, who were adopted out. She is tame. Now she is dead.

Someone called me who knows the homeless camp and had seen a dead cat nearby, hit on the road. I went over to see who had been killed and it was her. She had been hit multiple times. Her eyes had blown out of their sockets. Her back legs were both broken and skinned to the muscle. Her body was twisted, skinned and starting to swell.

Who could know, seeing her like that, what a beautiful playful and mischeivous soul she'd been. She was just a little girl. She made the best in her short life of her dire circumstances. What a comfort she had become to a man despised by most humans, a man who likely has little time left on this earth.

When I trapped the last four cats to remove, and find them somewhere, I caught her, but Richard made me let her out, said she was his favorite. I got her fixed last summer.

Rest in Peace, little one. You deserved so much better. You were amazing, fun and funny.The woman who alerted me to the deceased cat adopted a kitten from Hate Thy Neighbor colony from me three years ago. I got over 90 cats fixed along that one street, including the ten recently, from the Sprite Oldies.

It was Ozzy. The picture of him then is above. I didn't take one of him tonight, when I followed the woman to her home, because she had some Technu she wanted to give me. I'd exposed myself to leafing out poison oak again, when I delivered five bags of cat food into the homeless camp tonight. So I stopped by her place, got some Technu from her, and saw Ozzie, who is now a huge happy cat, laid back as usual. Ozzy comes from the same colony where Brambles comes from. Brambles is still here and probably will live out his life with me.

Last spring, she was interested in getting two more kittens, so I directed her to a Lebanon woman whom I was helping get her cats fixed. I'd gotten all five of the kittens fixed she wanted to find homes for. This woman adopted two brothers. I got to see one of them today, too. He is big beautiful and also laid back. The other one was outside somewhere.

I also recently heard from the folks in Salem who adopted Toby's sister, the blue kitten. She is doing great. They wanted to confirm her records because she was headed to the vet for shot updates. I didn't tell them about Toby dying.

1 comment:

  1. may she rest peacefully. that is similare to how i found my gonzo cat years ago. it was horrible!



Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...