Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Matilda Gets Her Ear Hematoma Drained

Matilda went to the vet today and had her ear hematoma drained. The vet also injected antibiotics and some steroid inbetween the seperated layers of skin. She does have an ear infection, in that left ear, and is on ear antibiotics for 14 days.

The receptionist, when I went in, gave me a hug and said "Welcome Back". Made me feel very good.

In other news, I had seen an ad for a free cat in the paper that caught my eye. It said the cat was a neutered declawed blind male. There's only one cat in town I know that would fit such a description.

I don't know the cat personally, but I met him briefly once. See I helped catch his sister. His sister, and him before, were living under the building next to the SS building. He was rescued by this couple who were feeding the cats. She wasn't. Not until the people who owned that building told the woman feeding her he was going to block off the places she got under. The woman could not trap her. That's because she was blind.

I trapped her in five minutes, using bits of tuna to lead her right into the trap. But, after trapping her, I panicked totally. She was lactating. It was a Friday night. How to get ahold of the buildings' owner and would they even care there were kittens under that building.

I was out calling at the foundation holes of that building most of that night. The next day, the woman who had fed her, who had rescued her brother months before, the cat in the ad, left messages with the property management company.

Early Sunday morning they opened up the underneath. Meanwhile, I was at the FCCO clinic, with the white female mom.

The building was wired with an alarm system, or the feeders would have gone in without permission perhaps. By this time, a pair of sisters came by, saw the efforts going on to get under the building, asked what was going on, and one of them, both being very skinny, crawled under and pulled out the two kittens, a boy and a girl. The original feeder took them home with her. I took a break from the FCCO clinic, and went and got them there, at her house, when she called to tell me she had them. That's when I met the brother of the white female.

He had the same congenital small and recessed eye problem going on, which had rendered him, with the resultant inturned eyelids and lashes, virtually blind.

I had the white females' kittens and her, here for a short time, after the mom was fixed, but the two sisters took them all in to foster. Eventually, they got the kittens a home together and kept the mom. Can you imagine what it must have been like for a blind feral mom, to try to raise kittens? She did a damn good job of it.

She's very happy now, and has had two surgeries to help her see better. She has recessed tiny eyes, like her brother.

I called the sisters up last night and told them about the ad, and that it was the white female's brother being advertised as needing a home. Those people who rescued him originally must have something going on, to have to give him up.

(I'd looked up the number associated with the ad, and sure enough, it was the number of the people who had the white female's brother.)

The sisters called me today to say they are adopting him. They said they're very excited and are going to take him straight to the their vet to see if anything can be done to help his eyesight.


  1. That's so wonderful!!!

  2. Anonymous8:23 PM

    which vet didyou take matilda to?


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