Thursday, April 01, 2010

Coyote in Corvallis

I went over tonight, to see if I could intercept the homeless campers, give them some cat food. Sometimes I can find them this time of night, without going into the camps. I came around by where the trail goes in, and saw an animal running along the level of the berry vines. I thought it was a deer.

It then cut out onto the sidewalk and loped along the sidewalk a few feet before cutting across in front of my car. It was a big coyote. This always riles me up, to see a coyote very near where cats are trying to survive. I rolled down my window and yelled at him to get the hell out of here. He was across the road by now and on the edge of the field there, between two city streets.

I turned around and came back to his side. He didn't budge and was waiting to cross back to the camps side and I didn't want him over there at all, fearing for the cats.

I pulled up near him, within 30 feet with my window down, yelled at him again, to get the hell out of here. He just stared at me, like "yeah, big deal, what are you going to do about it?" I took the safety off my bear pepper spray to show him exactly what I was going to do about it, but he ran.

The whole thing was slightly surreal. Cars were going by. It's right in Corvallis. And I'm yelling at a coyote, who is unimpressed and obviously very used to people.

Then two of the campers rode up on bikes. As I was talking to them, a jogger jogged on by, probably completely unaware there was a coyote over in the brush right by where she was jogging along, on the sidewalk. Suppose it's no big deal. They're everywhere.

I told the campers to watch out, that the coyote came right out of their camps, that he might have killed and eaten some of the cats. They had seen coyotes before, said there's a pack of about six of them, in and out of the fields there, and have been for a long time.

They want me to take out the tame older female, said she'd be the one the coyotes would get, if he didn't tonight. That black male, tame, I photographed farther up, a few weeks back, has been in the camps, howling mournfully, Richard said. He's looking for love, only everybodys' fixed now, I told Richard, and he corrected me, saying, "You mean sex, not love. They're different." I said "You're right."

Gosh darn that coyote. Gosh darn it. Those poor cats. Getting eaten by a coyote is about the worst fate you could imagine outside of being eaten by a bobcat. With a cougar, it's quick, but not so quick with a bobcat or with coyotes.

I'm not one of these people who doesn't defend their own. I don't have anything against coyotes, but if something or someone I love is in danger of being eaten by one, I'm going to defend what I love, let me tell you, no ifs, ands or buts about it.

I do not understand people who get cats and let them be eaten by coyotes and act like its nothing. It's like letting your kid play with child molestors and expecting either that nothing will happen or, when it does, they say, "oh well, not our fault, we'll have another kid." That's so fricking asswipe pathetic, makes me barf, when I hear that. What kind of a person is that lame? I would not let my own cats face that sort of danger and that danger, of predators, is everywhere in Oregon, as evidenced tonight, when I encountered that coyote in Corvallis.

I got a bunch of cats fixed for the old vet in Jefferson before he retired. His mom lived on the property and fed some cats, and his mom in law. The mom in law had seen coyotes grab two different cats and run back to the tree line with the cat still in its jaws. There was nothing she could do. Eventually the coyotes killed all the cats she fed.

There have been numerous reports lately in the news of coyotes killing pets in Portland suburbs. In one report, a coyote came through the dog door and took a small dog right out of a laundry room. In Hillsboro, a man stood with his children outside their house and described how a coyote came and snatched and ate, one by one, all the female cats kittens. The coyote emerged from a park across the street I wished the reporter had asked why then he wasn't keeping that poor mother cat, who had survived, inside or getting her spayed. That's idiotic.

In one instance in WA state, a woman engaged in a tug of war with a coyote who came right onto her back porch and grabbed her cat. She was bitten in the process, but said she would not give up, because of the look of complete terror in the eyes of her beloved cat. Her cat was injured badly but survived and the woman had no regrets about fighting the coyote for her cat, although officials sternly reprimanded her, on the news, or anyone doing that, because of the danger.


  1. Upsetting. I have spent many a night patrolling and armed to keep coyotes away from my group of feral cats. Mostly I have a live and let live attitude but when it comes to coyotes around cats I have an exception to that rule.

  2. Me too, Chriss. It was shocking to see one on a city sidewalk. Guess it should not have been. They're everywhere. I had to go all the way back over. In all the excitement, then talking to the homeless, giving them the cat food, my intention for going over, and some Easter candy, I forgot to remove the food from the bucket. I'd put it in there, then after seeing the coyote, felt I should remove it and at the least dump it into the berry vines where the cats would have cover to eat it. So once home, I had to go all the way back over, to dump out the bucket feeder. If their heads are in a bucket eating, they can't see anything coming at them. Anyhow, when I went back, I circled and circled, no sign of Mr. Coyote.

  3. Chriss, how is the storm going over your way. It's nothing as predicted here, not so far anyhow. I left out a plastic tarp I'd washed, and it never even blew away.

  4. I wonder if the guy with sheep closer to highway 20 has had issues with the coyotes. It's real close to the camps. Lots of urban farmers these days and even suburban farmers, with at least some chickens and maybe a goat or two. I suppose coyotes roam cities at night now like raccoons do, raiding trash, eating pet food, probably know all the hot trash spots in Corvallis for easy pickings. Or they follow the homeless, because they know what restaurants discard food they didn't sell that day and when, much of it meat.

  5. The beauty of living on an coyetes here!...just waist deep in deer,and abandoned rabbits!..
    The local university doesn't know how to go about getting rid of them. A local vet offered to start neutering them,but was turned down. A cull has been suggested,with the meat to feed the homeless,but the bunny sympathizers can't stand the thought.
    So they continue to multiply at an alarming rate..and denude all the uni's expensive landscaping,(which tax $ pay for)..
    All that education,and they can't figure it out.
    At least the feral cat population here has a never ending supply to eat....
    Blingo is gorgeous!...hope he gets this home!..and people start stepping up to the plate to adopt..kitten seson is startng,the misery repeats...
    Better go,a robin is attacking the catroom window,due to the fact it's covered in a film,so my own cat can't see who's on the other side!...and the robin thinks it's an intruder on it's turf!...

  6. So far, the storm hasn't materialized as predicted - thankfully. I'm not sure if it is just arriving later than expected or if the weather people were completely wrong.

    A thought on what you said about feeding: I don't know, brush is cover for the cats but it might also make it easier for a coyote to sneak up on them. I'm just not sure. Maybe an open spot where the cats can see anything trying to sneak up on them - and preferably not far from a tree they can run up in an emergency?

    Just a thought.

  7. Well, that's good that you didn't get a rip roaring storm. As for feeding, I don't have to feed the cats if I can catch the homeless and give them the food to feed them, which is much better. Hard to catch them, however, and right now the whole area where they live is mostly calf to knee deep in water, so you need knee high boots to wade through many spots. So, I've been trying to catch them when they are out. I've come to know their schedules somewhat.

  8. OMG that's funny island girl, about the robin that is. I remember ages ago, decades ago, visiting the San Juan Islands to scuba dive and the rabbit population then was astounding.

    Have they caught the teen island hopping theif yet? He's creating quite a legend, except for the people he's ripping off, including ripping off small planes.

  9. Hey Island Girl, how about we ship you about a zillion Oregon coyotes, as a gift! You'll love them!

  10. Hmm, thanks,but no...this is a 'dog' town..and not only would the rabbit sympathizers be unhappy,but the coyotes better be fixed before hitting the ground here. As the dog-loving populace would soon grow fond of them,and start feeding them leftovers also..and then there'd be a proliferation of another problem,only waaaay smarter than the rats,rabbits,and then on to the cats..and then those little 'football'sized white dogs that everyone has nowadays...and then the humans very small offspring...
    Coyotes are too smart for us humans...


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....