Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Photos of the Four Cats Being Fixed Today

I caught all four of the cats left unfixed at the Seavy Repeat colony. 17 in total. I drop trapped two and straight trapped two. All, by this evening, are now fixed. Last night, after picking up the last cat at near midnight, I spotted a black cat on the sidewalk, near Seavy and Walnut. Of course, I stopped, hoping it wasn't another homeless camp cat to be, recently dumped, but the cat is fat and tame and not interested in food. I think someone lets him wander at night.

Toby is at the clinic again. This time, he will be tested for FIV/Felk. It is very possible he has leukemia, as an underlying condition causing his problems, even though his mom and sisters were negative. His dad could have been positive. He's not going to make it either way. If he has Cushings, the prognosis isn't good either. If he has FIP, which is very hard to diagnose, he won't survive either. He's not got a chance, really.

I stopped by the Sprite Oldies colony, to see how the old man is. He will be having tests, his wife says, to try to determine what is going on. I tried briefly to catch either of the two cats there still not fixed, but they didn't show. Just as I was leaving a huge all white unneutered male sauntered through. He's on the roam and I'm hoping he finds no female receptive.

Black cat on a sidewalk late last night.

Black tux, Shadow, from Seavy repeat, being fixed today.
Sunburst, the torti from Seavy Repeat, being spayed today.
Butch, a tabby tux, female I think, being fixed today.
Samantha, a torti pt. Siamese, being fixed today.
Sprite Oldies colony black and white female (now fixed) and brother, one of two black tuxes, this one fixed, outside the house.

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