Friday, December 18, 2009


I'm going to create a nonprofit to fund fixing cats. I don't know yet much more, but I may as well try. I have to name it, find at least two more people willing to act as board members, and hopefully functioning board members, not rubber stamps, as the term was coined usually when someone gets family members or friends who are uninvolved to sign on as board members just to produce the required number needed for nonprofit status (three in Oregon).

I can find rubber stamp people aplenty. I really need to find people who want to and will be involved.

I need someone with accounting skills and some, hopefully, with a knowledge of business and or fund raising ability. I do not possess accounting, business or fund raising skills or knowledge. If I can't find people with these skills, I will have to learn them myself before I file. I might have to do that. It would mean putting off the venture for a few months, but I would need to do it if I can't find people with such skills who will commit to involvement.

Either way, I have nothing to lose.


  1. That's great news! (Especially for your local cats). I'm so glad that you're going to continue spay/neuter; as much as people might totally not "get" it (and be jackasses in the process of not getting it), it's such an important thing and does SO much good. I'll look forward to supporting whatever organization you set up.

  2. Christmas is a mish mash ins't it?..I saw that show was very interesting..
    But I think the Druids had it right in the first place..observe and celebrate Mother Earth,enjoy nature..give thanks..and because it is the darkest time of year..they tried to shed some light on it with candles,twinkling lites(fires),and decorate with greenery..
    I went into some stores today..and couldn't get out fast enough...just needed a couple of things,but the crowds and their stuff is enough to drive me 5 years,they'll be throwing all that useless crap away anyways..
    The lights are always pretty tho' aren't they??

  3. I think, if I'm over my cold enough, I will be going to a solstice potluck Sunday evening. Yes, the lights are pretty and so is the thought the days will be getting longer! I read all the stuff about Santa and his metamorphasis from several characters, like St. Nicholas and Chris Kringle into the fat bearded guy of today. It's quite interesting. But the alleged "War on Christmas" is a joke. Christmas is far from anything spiritual. If anything, Christmas now is more pagan than it ever was in its relentless worship of materialism and plastic throwaway society.

    A real celebration I think would be a big bonfire, food and drink with friends/family on a clear night under the stars in the forest or on the beach. Next year, I'd love to host or plan a get together of a rip roaring solstice party under the stars. Usually its raining here, however.

  4. That is excellent news. If you can find a lawyer to do pro bono (ie writing the constitution etc and the nec legal documents for the incorporation and legal necessities, that would also help.) I sit on many boards and we always make sure we have at least one lawyer even if that person cannot do legal work FOR us (say if we are sued for example), they can and DO create the essential first steps in legal and bureaucratic work that is required of this. It is also important - essential really- to have a mission and and a strategic plan so they know you have a genuine plan of action. (We all know you do. They just like to read it in legalese tho one wonders how much they even read after all that work, sigh).

    That is great news. Surely even some law student who needs to do pro bono work for a course could help since this stuff is not rocket science. (ie establishing the books for the incorporation et al)

    Good luck!!!!

  5. It's usually raining here too...but the idea of a bonfire,on a clear nite,with some tasty tidbits to nibble,sounds like a great idea..I think Australia got the better deal,with having Christmas in warmth..can you imagine being on the beach on Christmas day..with some shrimp on the hibachi??..and then going for a THAT would be Solstice to remember!!


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...