Sunday, April 05, 2009


For some reason, the broccoli I planted last spring, produced florets this spring! I just harvested some. I'm happy about that.

I am planting other things this year. I saw a salad table idea on Martha Stewart. With cats, I could not have it inside, as was suggested, but I could have it outside my window. It is simply a square frame box with hardware cloth wire mesh for a bottom. Fill with dirt and plant lettuce or herbs in rows. The frame is made from 1/2" by 3 1/2" pine boards screwed together with 2x4 legs. Very simple. You harvest fresh lettuce and herbs as you use them.

I am also going to begin re-using cat litter after screening out the poop. Cat urine is mostly ammonia. Ammonia is nitrogen. The litter I use, wood pellet fuel, has no additives, and simply turns to sawdust when the cats urinate. This can be worked into soil.

I am going to also make a stand for sun drying fruits. I don't know if we will have a warm enough summer or not. Look what one sunny day, our first day that has reached 70 degrees out, according to a Portland news station, since October. Can you imagine the drear we've been in, to live without a sunny day since last October?

And suddenly, today-----SUN! Picks up the spirits for sure! Makes a person want to stop stagnating and grow, like the plants!

I saw an interesting show last night on either Discovery Channel or OPB, can't remember which. Must have been Discovery because OPB has the British comedies running on Saturday night.

It was about sex and sex drive origins and experiments to discover the biology of sex. One interesting comment made was that monogamous species of male have small testicles that house fewer sperm, since monogamy needs fewer sperm. The males of Species that are not monogamous have larger testicles, holding far more sperm. Human males are in between in size of testicles, in relation to body size.

I wonder, then, if the variation in human size testicles to body size might determine whether a man is suited to a monogamous life. Smaller testicles to body size maybe means they are likely to remain monogamous while larger testicle to body size ratio might mean genetically it would be harder for that male to remain monogamous. Just wondering, just a thought I had, after seeing that show. It was very interesting.

With the new machines out there, it is not surprising the last frontier of the human body, the brain and even sexual behavior, would be of great interest in scientific experiment now. In that show last night, they even had two people have sex inside an MRI machine. Boy, they would have to be very highly turned on to ignore those extreme magnet noises!

They put a young woman into the MRI also, who was highly in love. They showed her pictures of a friend, then of her boyfriend. The same area of the brain lit up when she saw her boyfriend that lights up when addict is about to satisfy their urge. Love is a sort of an addiction to one certain person, was the conclusion.

They showed some of the changes that occur right before sex. I thought them interesting. Like, when men have a "limp" penis, it's actually not limp at all, because bands of muscles hold it tightly and only relax, creating an erection, when the mind is stimulated, and causes a release of nitric oxide into the bloodstream, which causes those muscle bands to relax, and even infiltrate the muscle bands to make them spongy. Every other species of male mammal has a bone in their penis, but not humans.

Talked about why monogamy is important to humans and that is because the human infants brain is soft and small, as necessity to exit the birth canal and this creates a much longer time of infant vulnerability, requiring a great deal of protection and nurture from the mother. For the mother to be freed to care for the infant, a mate must be secured to provide for and protect mother and young.

The fact a females mate must be adequate to provide for and protect a family, the female human is generally more picky than the male human in choosing a mate. Or was once, as humans evolved. The male human generally wants a mate so they can mate. The urge in males to mate (have sex) is very strong.

I thought the show was very interesting. I understand some folks are queasy about such subjects.


  1. I've either seen it or something similar--it's been awhile.

    Hey, here's a plan. Next time somebody tells you he wants a revolution, look at him wide-eyed and say, "Do you mean to say that you advocate taking over the government of the United States by force?" That will probably get his attention. But I would also get his tag number and turn it over to the FBI. That guy you met really burns me. After one or two stolen elections that he presumably liked, someone has been legally elected, so what does he do? Instead of working to elect someone else next time, his best idea is to stage a violent revolution. Boggles the mind, doesn't it. Such a nut walking the streets loose.

  2. There are a lot of people like him. He's an old guy, actually quite nice, but that kind of talk, I don't know where it came from. I said something similar as what you suggested, but next time, I'll have it down what to say, next I meet one of these sorts, because they seem to be all over. A lot of them out there, in other words. I think they're all talk. I hope, anyhow.

  3. Actually, thanks to pollution - and so much estrogen in our water (both Canada and the US and some European industrialized countries and now the up and coming developing worlds who have even worse anti pollution laws than we did at their stage) - that our demograhics are even changing. There are more female babies being born than males by a higher margin that even previously and there were more females before- since the male fetus tends not to be as hearty as the female. (there is much specualion about why this is but many scientists suggest it has something to do with women needing to give birth so they have to be stronger and handle more pain. And ask any woman who is a physcian - wome do handle pain better which begs the question why is it that more women are on opiates and heavy duty pain killers- because the medical world is STILL sexist and doctors (esp male ones) hand ouut pills to women more often. I have no trouble helping people with pain (especially the young ones I treat!) but men have a tendancy not to ask for meds or to say they can "take it like a man". Once in hospital though, they demand meds from nurses like no tomorrow. (They never stop to think nurses due to our system have to call their docs to ensure the patient is allowed to have the medication in question.)

    Pls do not take this as anti male. I am concerned that we are losing our natural ratio of males to females thanks to corporate tinkering with the earth. Corporate pollution in other words. And we NEED everyone! It is no shame to say you feel pain - regardless of gender. But we need to stop using drugs like estrigen anyway - it is not at all a good medication and there are more effective means of handling menopause and bone loss. I adore Sally Fields and am discouraged she would sell boniva like that - it is a horrid horrible drug with so many side effects and those are just the ones we know in the short term. I shudder to think what will happen 20 yrs from now when the 20,000 plus women who have taken it are either dying of cancer or their daughters are!

    Just my two cents.

  4. Siobhan, I also just saw something about the frogs born with extra limbs. Some of that is caused by a parasite. Some isn't. Researchers are finding male frogs sex changing into females and even laying eggs that are viable. They showed it happening in a lab. This was a show on Discovery tonight. They believe it is caused by some, oh boy, can't remember, might be an insecticide or maybe an herbicide, atrozine or something like that. It is sprayed on farm fields in massive quantity and filters into the soil and water. We're drinking this. There are many other species affected.

    When I was diagnosed with endometriosis, I had never heard the word before. I did research online and found exposure to dioxins is one cause of endometriosis, which is a disease where endometrial tissue grows all over the place in the body outside the uterus. Dioxins are a byproduct of many processes and found in all petroleum products. But you never hear this on the news. Dioxins are also found in many herbicides. I hate sprayaholics and would never think of spraying anything in my yard, because I suffer from endometriosis, it'd be like hitting my foot deliberately with a hammer. But what do I get called for being a no spray person, often? A radical environmentalist. What a bunch of bull crappy.

  5. Have your ever heard a conservative refer to any environmentalist as not radical?



Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...