Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Strange Call about Feather

I got a message tonight. I was in the midst of watching the very last moments of a video, so I just listened to the message later. Sounded almost like a kid. She said her name was Victoria and that she saw Feather on the website and wanted to pick the kitten up as soon as possible, which also sounded like something a kid might say.

So I called the Albany number. A young adult female answered. I said I was returning the call, about the cat. She denied she'd made the call and said "yes", when I repeated the number to see if I had called the number I'd written down. I said "Is there anyone else there who might have made the call, a friend, a child?" She denied that also. I hung up, but the woman seemed sad or distant or something I couldn't put my finger on.

I wondered later. Was it a child who called? It was hard to tell on my muffled answering machine. I have Feather labeled on the website as a kitten I found at the rest area, near death from starvation, likely abandoned there. I wonder, did a kid recognize a kitten they had, that disappeared, or a kitten that was at a friends house who had disappeared suddenly back before Christmas? I wonder if whomever called knew Feather's origins.

Or was it just a child who wants a kitten and their mother can't handle having a kitten? Or did this person accidentally give the wrong number? The call came from a cell phone, however.

It was strange, I'll say, strange. But there's usually a reason behind strange happenings. They are rarely random or accidental.

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