Monday, March 09, 2009

Former Bottle Babes Wish Me Happy Birthday

The bottle babes way back when.

The former Corvallis bottle babes sent me a birthday greeting photo. Isn't it nice of them to do that?

They haven't visited and never call, however, after I saved their little bottle baby butts. But, at least they finally sent a card.


  1. That is great!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous9:25 PM

    At least they know how to spell!!!

  3. Yes, at least something took of the education I worked to pay for. At least they can spell.

  4. They turned out just beautiful-thanks to you!
    I bet they will ALWAYS remember you! Are they all in the same home?

  5. Yes, they are all in the same home, the home of the woman who volunteered to foster them, then could not part with any of them! Melodie, I am talking about you behind your back!

  6. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! What a wonderful swwet thing for them to do! Such sweet kitties, remembering their first meomy!! They were so very fortunate to have you and now their home, which of course you were instrumental in securing for them.

    You have to love it!!!

    Great work there Jody!!! And what beautiful cats they have become out of sweet vulnerable tiny kittens! You do uch great work!


  7. Yes, they are wonderful. The original names I gave them: Sunshine for the all black, Flower, for the muted torti, who looks all gray but isn't, and Beanie, for Mr. gray and white. Beanie and Flower retain their orignal names but Sunshine has morphed into "Oliver" which suites him.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...