Monday, March 09, 2009


I got caught. By a virus. I guess I let my immune system down last week and now I'm sick. Threw up my breakfast, freezing, snuffling. I'm still going to trap those four cats because there is no other opportunity to get them out of there and fixed before that house is demolished. I'm about to head out there.

I'll try to take it a bit easier the next week, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water. I've been on a mission. Have decided a very good patriotic thing to do and good for me also is to get in shape. Getting in shape, if all us Americans would do so, would drastically help the budget out and reduce costs.

I have watched "Biggest Loser" a few times, not often, but one of the times I saw it, I was astonished at the changes one man experienced. He'd been diagnosed with seven diseases, including diabetes and heart failure. After he lost tons of weight and got in shape, he was off all seven of his medications and had no sign of any of the seven diseases. Can you imagine the improvement to his health? But then, can you imagine the reduction in cost and use of the overburdened health care system?

We all have a duty to take care of ourselves, as Americans, for America. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your country, is my thought on the matter.

Everyone in America can do this little thing to help the economic crisis out and our country out. The side affect of course is vast benefit to each individual.

I've been trying to find a walking partner on craigslist. Not successful yet. But no matter, I'm converting the empty spare bedroom, now that I've taken apart those old box springs and got them out of there, into an exercise room. I will stock it with exercise equipment from thrift stores and garage sales. I am going to become a fitness freak. Well, probably not a freak but I'm going to get in shape!

Who wants to join me?

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