Monday, December 15, 2008

Sam's Clan

Sam, formerly of Millersburg, now has a cult following. The Starvation Kids idolize Sam and follow him everywhere. Sam doesn't mind, nor does he abuse his power as leader.

Two of Sam's devoted clan--followers Doc and Mops.


  1. i love it.....Sam is such a neat cat - like I said - if i lived one state closer I would grab him...He seems happy just to have a home and a few little ones to cuddle with, some toys and food,....I think he's settling in nicely lol...he might be a keeper, Jody - its nice to have a cat that kittens take to in order to help.

  2. Oh my gosh, adorable. Love the stories and the pics -- Sam sitting up all regal with the adoring crew next to him.
    Also love the first pic of the cat at the window -- very artistic.

  3. I just noticed....Mops starts out next to doc who is next to Sam, then slowly pushes his way until he appears sandwiched between doc and kitty!!

  4. OMG, what adorable pictures!! Sam is such a great kitty!!! The others are sweet too, and so fortunate you were there for them. I just keep thinking there has to be a way for you to raose money, even oline. I know there are laws and tax forms - I write grant proposals myself till I get sick of them (for pediatric cancer though). Is there not some group that would provide you with a grant writer - if nott , let me know, maybe I can write one for you and see about getting aroud some of the rules.

    There are so many foundations out there. Granted (no pun intended), they are more cautious now and have a right to be, but you just never know which one might help.

    My thought on your cats for the day in any event.

    Back to work. Such lovely kitties, sigh!!! (and I soo want that blue point, sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)


    (Pls excuse my typos - I refused to take what was called tysping because I thought it was being proposed to me as a sexist course, lol - and I was in primarily sciences.) Mon excuse de jour, lol

  5. I would love to find a grant writer, but I'm not nonprofit. Poppa, the spay/neuter nonprofit is, however, and Poppa does need to find grants to continue and someone who knows how to find them and write them. It is so important, far more effective at helping cats than sheltering, to get them fixed in high volume. Hard to find funds to keep doing that. Seems a no brainer to me, that spay/neuter is the most effective use of funds to help animals, and good for communities, too, and for the environment.

    As for myself, getting by here, finding these cats homes, yes, being a nonprofit would certainly help. Without that status, it is so hard to compete with the groups who are nonprofit rescues and shelters, in finding homes and getting adoption venues or community support. But I am one person, and one must have at least three, for the board, and money to get nonprofit status. And time. Can take two years or more to get federal status. I am afraid if I found a way to get the money to do it, I'd be just doing even more work, because I have no volunteers at all. And, I am far more concerned with funding for spay/neuter, which I am a diehard believer in, as the ultimate solution, rather than sheltering. I would much rather continue that work, that do rescue. So funding Poppa and spay/neuter, is far more important to me, than becoming just another small time nonprofit rescue. I see this as a solution, not mop up of the aftermath, which is what rescues and shelters are. You have to go at the root of the problem.


Five Cats Fixed Yesterday

 Two Liliths from two towns were fixed yesterday.  Coincidence?  I guess. This Lilith is from Lebanon and was left behind by her people at a...