Friday, August 08, 2008

Sleaze Machines

John Edwards had an affair, while his wife battled cancer. Another one of his staff also slept with the same woman. What sleazes! Bill Clinton--sleaze machine, too. And that Republican extreme anti-abortionist, what's his name, from Oregon, running for something and it turned out he got someone pregnant then paid for her abortion. And all these anti gay Republican Senators who really are gay. What a bunch of loud mouth hypocrits, talking one thing, doing another.

Like child molestor/former Mayor of Portland/former governor of Oregon Neil Goldschmit, a sleaze machine royale! Wonder what cave he's hiding in. A deep one I hope. He probably hangs from the cave ceiling during the day, by his feet, to stalk the world at night.

So, I still wonder, who out there is perfect enough for public office? Because I haven't met saints. I haven't met anybody I would consider even close to sainthood. Some of these above mentioned men have gone way over the line, however. I would have to say Mr. Clinton has a huge problem with keeping his pants zipped. I would have to say having an affair when one's wife is in a life and death struggle is top dog sleaze material too. Well, all the above mentioned events are just pornographically sleazy.

If I find out geezer McCain is sleeping with a 19 year old second cousin by marraige that will be it for me. Tune out of politics forever time.


  1. They're all hypocrites. McCain, too:

  2. Yup, but in a way, our system requires this. A person cannot be elected if they say one thing wrong, or do not promise everything to everyone, unaccomplishable things. We're quite demanding that our needs be met.



 A little snow in the valley had been forecast as a possibility for yesterday.    We only got a tiny bit.   I had two Lebanon cats here.  Th...