Monday, July 21, 2008

Who God Is.....

If there is a God, this is who he or she or it would be....a scientist, from another dimension or universe that we cannot see or understand because we're quite limited in what we understand. The earth is a test tube, an experiment that entity created for whatever reason, progress maybe, in that entity's environment, or even out of boredom possibly, like a retired scientist here might do experiments in his garage, becoming far too isolated and eccentric to be considered sane or accurate among his or her peers. I wonder if in that universe, and I use the term in a great big "I don't know what" manner, if this entity is considered a mad scientist, for such an experiment.

Or, in the other 'universe', God is a pet owner, perhaps a horder, who created a pet planet and we are the pets. Or, God decided on a grand experiment of choice with his pets. He or she or it is extremely fond of its pets, as some of us are. The experiment of choice occurring: Give his pets the choice to see whether or not they could contain their biological impulses towards greed, violence, self-interest and breeding.

Or perhaps a judge decreed God give up his pets and they be killed, in this alternate universe, because they were fighting, bred with abandon and without thought for the suffering it caused, selfish, and vile to the neighborhoods in the alternate universe, creating extreme waste. And God pleaded for them, he loved them so, and said that they could indeed control themselves, without intervention, if given the chance and the choice to make decisions on their own. And the prosecutor, whom some would call "the devil" said, "Ok, then prove it." So earth was created as the grand experiment.

I think the results are in.

Which doesn't bode well for the future of the experiment.

God is hopefully pleading more thorough studies are needed and that those already done are clouded by the financial interests and political leanings of the researchers. God will hopefully argue for our lives successfully and that an immediate animal control extermination program is not implemented.

Maybe he'll be able to rescue a handful of his beloved pets and flee with us. I hope to be one of those. I think he likes people who save the animals. Because we're his animals and he sure likes us.


  1. This is very philosophical, the kind of thing I can relate to. I'm appalled at how long it is since I've visited, I'm always so behind! Duhr! Blessings on you and all you do:) xxx

  2. How are things across your way? Here the economy is crashing somewhat. The letters in the local paper all blame environmentalists for the fuel woes, because of no drilling in the Arctic refuge. There is a large segment of our population who would totally ravage the earth to get anything they need, even though that behavior in itself is what led us to this point in time--greed.

  3. Same over here. Greed rules because the greediest seem to be the richest. But don't believe all you hear about "us" being the cause of global warming, there are those (the powerful and greedy) who have a vested interest in making us believe this. Lots of money to be made in selling "green" products!

    :) xxx


Five Cats Fixed Yesterday

 Two Liliths from two towns were fixed yesterday.  Coincidence?  I guess. This Lilith is from Lebanon and was left behind by her people at a...