Saturday, July 05, 2008

Two Interesting Things

Two things interesting. First interesting thing: if the prescription from my recent eye exam is actually right, then my eyes have improved over the years. I've had two eye exams before, years ago, several years apart, that resulted in eyeglasses, although the glasses were either so bad (extreme reflection and refraction) or didn't fit, frames just barely touched the top of my ears (one size only available to OHP clients), that I gave up on them. But, I do remember at least one prescription -1.25, which means to see distance clearly, I needed that much correction. Now, my distance correction on the current prescription is: -.50.

That's quite an improvement. How does that happen? Maybe if I don't wear the new glasses when they come, by age 60 my vision will be better yet!

It will be interesting to see if I can "see" just fine, when they come. This eye doctor did say that some people improve their vision taking lutine. I've never taken that, but I do eat tons of fruit and vegetables. He said the eye ends up with a lot of free radicals and anything with antioxidants is going to help vision stay healthy longer. Maybe I'll start taking lutine.

I ordered the new glasses from Costco, who has unbelievable customer service. I was so relieved. They explained everything, including lense coatings and size. I didn't know they came in sizes, never was told that in the two previous exams I"ve had in my life. Why wasn't I told this? Because I had a choice of four frames on OHP and was told "one size fits all". Well, not really. In fact, not at all.

Second interesting thing: over and over, on craigslist pets, someone posts ads trying to sell Frontline for dogs and cats. They'll say the same thing every time. With the dog Frontline, they'll say they no longer have their big dog. When selling cat Frontline, they'll say they now use a different product.

Over and over again, over months, same ads get posted, leading me to wonder.

What do I wonder? I wonder if they're stealing it. I wonder if they work at a store that sells it, and either shoplift it, or are selling outdated stock. I wonder if they're getting it at a discount online store, like Petshed, then reselling it, quoting outlandish retail prices as normal, to bait people in to buying it from them for less. I wonder these things when I see those ads again and again.

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