Friday, July 25, 2008

Switched to Mozilla Firefox and Homemade Hydrogen To Increase Car Mileage

I made the switch. It's so much faster and easier than IE. I love it. Love the shortcuts and opening multiple tabs. Should have switched long ago.

Well, bad news in Eugene with the chip plant closing and 1100 good paying jobs down the drain. Very sad. Well, the governor talked about creating green stuff to sell in the state. Not really sure what that meant. Personal wind generators would be my choice, ones you that you could stick the little windmill part down below the license plate to spin, with the 12V battery just inside the backhatch of the car, that would be charged with the PWM (personal wind machine).

To use 12V batteries, you have to convert appliances to 12V or the other way around. How do you do that? I need to figure these things out to survive in THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

Hey, I had this thought once. If things get really bad, for heat, people around the world have used dried cow or buffalo dung, to burn as fuel. How about dried people poop? I could certainly look at the poop in the litterboxes in a different manner.

There have been reports in the local paper about some local people increasing the mileage on their deisel and now gas powered vehicles using hydrogen created with baking soda and water and an electric current. Allegedly the latest guys' gas powered truck, formerly got 15 mph, now gets 30. People say this isn'tso/can't work, but does it? Anyone out there know, because it also said he converted to this for about $80 and if it works, I want to create it for my car.

Well, anyhow, I should look that up or contact the guy somehow. There are people already calling it snake oil and scam. But who wouldn't want to know if this really works? I want to know.

If his truck doubled its mileage, I already get over 30 in the Scion. Could I get 60? Boy, woohoo for that! I'd hate to ruin the engine though in vain attempts. That'd be bad. Click the post title to go to a blog review of the jar system, for producing hyrdrogen from water. Baking soda is simply a catalist. Apparently you immerse a steel coil into the water connected to electricty through your ignition, so the only reaction that takes place is during ignition. You use a vacuum tube from the jar, filled with distilled water and pure baking soda, and the coil, to your air intake manifold. You have to punch in that for the tube.

But, carry a fire extinguisher. Hydrogen gas is flammable. With this method, you are not carrying hydrogen in a pressurized tank, however. You can purchase the How to manuel at the blog you go to when you click post title. I'm into this and will likely try it.

Click here to go to another site that reviews simple water to fuel systems/manuels offered out there for: ease of installation, fuel efficiency, and economy.

If this really works, why aren't we burning hydrogen in furnaces for heat and cooking instead of Natural Gas, especially in light of recent announcements from the natural gas companies that rates will be hiked 28% or more. I think water is a relatively cheaper alternative. Also, much cleaner.


  1. Jody, the hubby, who's a former car mechanic and electronics nut, says it doesn't work for the simple fact that you would need to fill your car with it! He says it would take almost 10 gallons to just up the usage time one of those little ride on cars for kids. I like the wind power idea tho...that could actually work. And maybe by putting propellers on our vehicals we could actually have the flying cars we all want!~Donna from Wisconsin

  2. I don't know, the gist seems to be it increases the fuel efficiency of the gas. Someone in Eugene e-mailed me, saying that most people, who install them, get only about 10% improvement because they do not have car or electrical knowledge, then it gets labeled a scam. A man who created a hydrogen torch, using water passed through a current, intensely hot flame, aided by baking soda, has now formed a company but he is working for the government with it, to create military vehicles that run off water or gas. These are not hydrogen run cars per se. They are hydrogen hybrids, with hydrogen increasing the efficiency of gas. As far as I understand.

  3. that would be cool if it worked! good luck.
    the job hunt is going badly down here. too few jobs too many people but i am glad i'm not at the other place! i've got a month left until i'm in trouble $$. any positive thoughts please send my way. :)

  4. Positive thoughts sending....not sure how strong they are since I'm sort of worn out and menopausal. Betty left today, I took her out to her new home and sobbed all the way back. What kind of job are you looking for?

    With so many people losing their jobs and houses, maybe you could rent out "shoulder to cry on" for an hourly rate and make some bucks.


Ice and Other Winter Hold Outs

 We are having a very brief ice or snow event.  Nothing much. Pretty out this morning.  Earlier, it was tinkling ice pellets falling. Its no...