Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Now I'm Being Lied about on Craigslist

I get home from taking seven kittens to get done free in Eugene, to find someone had e-mailed me the following post, about me, posted on Corvallis/Albany craigslist pets. I told you craigslist was full of drama. I quit posting on craigslist, after posts would be flagged within seconds, posts about spay/neuter clinics or fixed cats needing homes. So I just quit the whole craigslist posting thing. I did try a few days ago with a post about a situation another trapper is facing in Oakridge, and she needs barn homes, but it was flagged in less than a day. I haven't even trapped in south Corvallis as this stupid liar alleges for months and those were all those ferals at that duplex, fed by the disabled couple.

I will say this: A woman who used to live in Philomath, then, last I ran into her, which was years ago, at an FCCO clinic held at the Fairgrounds, and had moved to Kiger Island, allegedly went around that area briefly pretending to be me. She also kept a scrapbook of my letters to the editor. I didn't know whether to be disturbed or flattered when she told me.

I hope she's not out there pretending to be me again. My guess is not, that this is a crazy person, or my stalker from Lebanon, or just some hateful mean awful person, a breeder maybe who hates spay/neuter, whom I probably don't even know.

Anyhow, the following post is all lies. I would love to sue this person for liable. I don't get nice press coverage or stories done. I'm tired of getting stomped on. I get the following hateful pile of lies from somebody with issues. Nice to come home to following a hard day of volunteer effort.

Beware of Jody Harmon
Reply to:
Date: 2008-07-30, 10:34AM

A woman named Jody Harmon is stalking the south area of Corvallis.

She is stealing neighbors pets (most times out of peoples yards) and taking them to a feral cat service to have them nutured/spayed. The Animal Control people know of her very well. She has been causing complaints for a long time. Apparently no one has pressed charges "yet".

After talking to my neighbors, the last time she came through here performing her "public service"
6 of the cats she stole were already nutured/spayed half of those had micro ship implants and nearly none of them made it home again.
Two of those were Prize rare breeds that used to be worth hundreds of dollars.

If she trespasses onto my property and steals my animals I WILL get the police involved and press charges. And if my animal ends up surgically altered I will also sue for damages. (a recommendation from the animal control office)
I recommend you do the same.
This is a loooong way from a private feral cat service.

Location: south corvallis
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Original URL:


  1. What a horrible post....a few things I would have said if I had seen it early enough to reply to it"
    1. What kind of a person would let their "prized rare breeds" wander the neighborhood?
    2. They would sue for damages if their pet was surgically altered? I wonder if their non surgically altered cat is the one who is constantly marking in my garden causing me to spend more and more money replacing the plants it kills....or perhaps they would like to eat some of the vegetables their cat has marked in my yard.

    Don't let the idiot get to you. You have many supporters who would happily go to bat for you.

  2. My God Jody, you should sue her!!!! Is there a way there where one can go to small claims court for a small fee? (I am sure we can all pitch in and help if need be.)

    I have read C's List maybe all of once and that was a local site 9No pets there but one post with free kittens and I sent a letter to the woman and she knew who I was but not me personally and changed it to $25 a kitten and I did thank her! I think she may have changed regardless of whether she knew who the person was or not who posted the evils of free to good home" ads.

    That said, I would at the very least write to Craig's List and inform them that this is hate mail pure and simple and they are responsible for any material on their web space.

    One woud think people would be thrilled to have s/n done for them. Gawd!!! I have Siamese and while two are rescue kittys, the third is a purebred show cat who was worth megabucks. I say was because I had her spayed asap. She was not pet quality but show quality and God forgive me but I fell in love with that kitten and bought her. I did not get into showing her. (I am sure she'd win, she is so adorable BUT I know that even one pregnancy increase pyometra and cancer and other diseases so I want her to have the best life he can and that does not include being a mama when there are so many felines out there needing GOOD homes.)

    I think - imho and impo - (professional, lol) that this woman is someone some kind of personalty disorder or she is a troublemaker. I dare say 99% of people with pets (whether they pay a lot of money or not for them) would be grateful to someone like you. Though I think those who can afford to pay should and you know, that might be one service you could start - there are many people who may not have time to take their pet to the vet (tho again imho if they do not, they should not have a pet) and you cold do that kind of thing for them. You should start a business- cleaning cats, demonstrating to those who want to learn how to care for their cat when s/he is ill or how to clip claws. There is a plethora of info out there that many cat people need to know (I don't believe in cat owners- no one "owns" a cat, lol)and you could provide seminars and so forth. It might be a way to get publicity too.

    I know you do not like the traditional job market and it is difficult for yuo - and there are numerous people who for whatever reasopn like to work on their own terms. Maybe that is the thing for you and a way to do what you love and make some extra money at the same time.

    I hope you don't mind my meddling. I am just thinking out loud here and it is an occupational hazard if mine to give advice so pls know I do not mean to suggest you should be doing anything different- I just wonder if that might be a way to get more PR or as much as some of these groups who do get some and do not do as much as you or love the cats in the genuine and caring thoughtful way you so obviously DO!!!

  3. Hey, Diane watch out. I might be stalking south Corvallis tonight even, stealing more cats. You know I don't have enough now. hahahahaha. That's the catcher there, the accusation of stealing cats. Any rescuer would actually be happy to have some taken off their hands, adopted in other words, but we sure don't go out of our way to go get more.

    Yes, this person is not only a liar, not only stepping over a huge line by publicly telling lies about a named person, which creates so many issues for this person, if identified, like a lawsuit, but likely this person is insane.

    I was in south Corvallis yesterday, which is too much of a coincidence. I met some people from Wren, who needed two cats fixed, at Heartland. We met in the parking lot. There was a large group of people just outside the front doors at Heartland. i assumed it was a class or tour or volunteer orientation. Someone in that group must have known me. I'm guessing it had to be Lebanon stalker lady, perhaps now relocated, and maybe hoping to volunteer or attending whatever was going on there, at Heartland yesterday, something like that. I do believe someone in that group to be responsible. It's too much of a coincidence.

  4. Siobhan, yes, I contacted craigslist and they claim they are putting filters in place, to prevent such things from going on. I'll believe it when I see it. Criagslist has been in the news a lot lately, all bad press, from people marketing stolen items, to people pulling rent scams, renting out empty houses they don't own to unsuspecting renters. They don't want more negative publicity.

  5. I just checked and the post has been removed- was going to make a comment but can't recall my pwd. I'll find it, lol There are lots of good retorts tho so thats good!

    That woman makes me sooooooo a angry!!!!

    Here is a hug - I know it won't make the hurt go away but keep in mind she is so much a minority!! The rest of us think those cats and people like all of us need you!!!!


  6. Thank you Siobhan. Actually, it didn't affect me much. I'm worn out from a very long day, had 11 cats to deliver back to their owners, and the claims so outrageous, all I could do was giggle uncontrollably, when returning the cats, after reading that. I also began to think, about that person's post, "Whhhatttevvverrr."

  7. Good to hear it Jody!! She is not worth even a second of your time!!

    btw, in looking at the ads, I ca,me across this title for an ad and had to laugh. I am not sure I'd want to be this person's friend, lol

    looking for a cage for a friend of mine

    (She actually was searching for a cage for aforementioned friend's bunny but that is NOT what the ad implies, lol)

  8. Hey, werent you harrased a year or so ago by some guy with a gun, calling police on you in Corvallis?

    I vaguely remember some nutjob threatening you if you happen to get his cat fixed....? could it be him?

    Anyhow, this person is a moron, and cant spell, and is gonna have a hard time sueing you for altering his $200 prize cats. Arent prize cats worth alot more than $200?

    And what is his proof for his case? Does he have a video of you taking his cats?

    Craigslist is the DEVIL, and I am never going on there again. You know about my history on there and what trouble it gets me in. In fact, when I went there to look at your ad, I ended up on the Eugene one by accident, and I ended up with a stray 3 legged cat, and a new dog for my household which I didnt need!!! Last time it was the 3 free cats, that ended up being like 28 unaltered cats..

    Holy cow!!!

  9. My final comment - how do they get away with so many free to good home ads? We have managed to disallow hem on the local C's list. (Not that I go there but my office manager and one of my nurses assures me all pets must have a fee of there is no posting.) I just read one saying they had to "get rid" (ugh!- as if the poor cat was a piece of furniture) of the cat because "it" (I loathe calling any animal "it") was not allowed wherever they were moving.

    If I ever move, one of my priorities would be to find a place suitable for my cats because they are FAMILY!!! If the house was not appropriate for cats, it would not be considered! What a ridiculous excuse! Find someone else to live- you make a lifetime commitment when you adopt a cat!

    Gawd, people make me mad sometimes!
    OK, off my soapbox!

  10. Also, this person complains that not all the cats made it back, but yet they dont complain that the ones that came back had eartips!!

    I know you eartip those cats you steal! HaHa. This is bogus, and they cant even do it right, cuz the eartips would have been a major issue to them.


  11. Hey Larissa, I get threatened, yelled at, have been shot at, all for helping out the little strays and people too. But you know all about this, because you go through the same up there.

    In fact, it's kind of like normal life to be yelled at and threatened.

    I've got a little special place I go to in my mind, when this happens, and I don't even hear the yelling sometimes. If I would look at the yeller, I'd see the lips moving, but what I'd hear would be "blah blah blah blah blah." Try it.

    You might have to drug yourself at first to get into it or use earplugs which are really handy (say to yeller, "Excuse me" then quickly insert the earplugs, then say, too loudly "GO AHEAD"), but soon, you'll be able to turn anyone's words into a monotonous monotone Blah blah blah blah, while looking yourself like you must surely belong to some religous cult---dazed eyed, half smile, empty brain. I first learned this technique in church when a kid. I've had to dust it off as of late.


No Sleep Kitty

 I went and got the five Sweet Home cats Saturday afternoon. I had believed I would be picking up five young black cats that she could handl...