Sunday, July 20, 2008

Check This Out---Trading my Brother's House on Craigslist, Or Trying To

Just helping my brother out, I figure, and, the only kitten I adopted out this weekend, was the result of a craigslist post about them. So, I shouldn't be dissing craigslist for sure. And maybe craigslist will be my housing salvation.

It's been a long long weekend, waiting on that phone to ring on the ad for kittens I have in the paper and it hasn't rung. Long lonely weekend. Disappointing weekend. I had so hoped they would all be gone by tonight and in homes.

Former Corvallis Resident Seeking a Way out Of Albany

Reply to:
Date: 2008-07-20, 7:03PM PDT

I am a cat woman. I trap strays for spay/neuter and foster rescued kittens. I want very badly to return to Corvallis, am not adjusting to the mentality over here in Albany and the lack of open space and hiking parks.

Am seeking a small house with yard, which also can be small, to rent or that the owner would trade for this house in Albany, with my brother's involvement, since he owns this house.

I lived in Corvallis for almost thirty years. I find myself in Albany now, living in my brother's house. He will sell it or trade it for a house in Corvallis, even a small one.

I want to go home, to Corvallis, back to where I can enjoy nature again, back to where more people fix their pets. Albany is just one big piece of concrete with cars and trucks roaring around. Also, lots of meth addicts, gangs of kids, crime and no recreational opportunities to get away, to de-stress, like in my old home town of Corvallis. This is also the unfixed pet capital of Oregon I think.

Here are the pluses of this house, if you are interested in a swap: great for cat people, overhead run through garage, from house to garage room and outside of that, is a contained cat yard, with stone patio, grass, plants. Gardening area available inside contained fenced yard, and outside it. Two bedroom house. All electric. Producing cherry tree also in yard. Many windows. Quiet neighborhood.

Seeking in trade: small cottage, with yard in Corvallis or on the perimeter, or rural, in forested or country setting, but not surrounded by grass seed fields.

Well, anyhow, that's the ad, above.

There's been a group of kids, skateboarders, who have yelled obscenities at me now and then ever since I moved here. I don't know them. Usually I'm in my car driving down the street. It's getting old.

I'm sure they're just frustrated also. But what to do. It's not like I feel like yelling obscenities back, but it sure is getting old. Ok, by now I do feel like yelling obscenities back at them. That's disgusting I would feel that way.

I guess they don't have folks who teach them not to behave that way and maybe their folks are drunks or addicts like so many kids, who have to basically raise themselves. I'm not making excuses for such behavior, just trying to figure out why. I guess it's just the ambience here, and accepted behavior. I don't know.

There are not a lot of healthy recreational opportunities around here. The kids probably feel it too. Oh boy, I can hear the conservatives now saying people should find their own recreation that it isn't a job of cities and counties to create parks or recreational opportunities. Oh I can hear it now. It's like my father is resurrected and he's saying it right along with the conservative men, in unison, who hate government of any sort unless its something that benefits them. I can hear it now. They're probably right, but hey, a hiking park would benefit me, and I too am a human being who likes some things and not others, and I can say what I like and wish for, just like you can.

Here is something I have observed, a generalization.

Conservatives love wars and liberals love social programs.

Neither work as intended. Neither ever work as intended, but nonetheless, they are clung to, and cherished, wars for the right, and social programs for the left, like imaginery lovers, like blow up plastic doll lovers, like proudly lettered calling cards for each side, carried in the small snap open case and slipped in the crack between a closed door and its encasement, rather than wasting the painful idea of a knock. The soul reduced to a couple inches of paper and some clever words.

You know what, if there were no countries, no lines in the sand, no bombs, no gods believed in, we'd still fight. Some big dominant wannabe something more would start making up rules, his rules, to live by and the challenges would come, with fights and words, and finally blood.

Because aggressive controlling behavior boils down to biology. Hormones. We're animals.

Dress it up in nice words all you want. War is testosterone and codependent estrogen.

Let's just spay and neuter everybody.


  1. "Dress it up in nice words all you want. War is testosterone and codependent estrogen. Let's just spay and neuter everybody."

    He! He! That's official, you're my new hero! Or to put it otherwise : socialism failed ; pacifism failed ; but there is still a hope in genetic engineering :D

    But I expect DC Comics to strongly oppose this project, since that would mean that Ra's al Ghul would finally defeat Batman ;)

  2. I think it's quite practical and visionary, too. Hehehehe.

  3. The problem is, if you describe Albany as such a terrible place in your ad, no one is going to want to buy a house there :). I would not stress the bad reasons you want to move so much in the ad, but more 'other' reasons you want to move to Corvallis -- such as you lived there many years and it is familiar to you etc.
    My two cents :)...

  4. I wouldn't want those who don't like a redneck concrete pickup mentality to move here. So I'm telling it straight. I never hear from my brother anyhow, who owns the house, so the ad is more of a joke. He does't even respond when I tell him I'm going to list it. He said he would sell it immediately, within a few months of me moving here, periodically says he'll list it, never does. So it's all a big joke really.

    And, there are people who adore concrete engine revving mentality areas, where the truck, drugs and alcohol reign supreme. Lots of people just love that sort of thing and think those who don't are nuts. Most of my neighbors love it, wish it was even more that way here. I never knew that before, but there really are huge differences in people and what they prefer. So, truely, lots of people would salivate at the thought of such a place.

  5. I just read this and wondered about condemning Albany too - you ,ay never sell or trade the house with those comments. You do not need to lie but you could simply leave some things out and say you are lonely for Corvallis. Plus, they may very well be SOME nice people in Albany - who knows? I know it doesn't sound like the place for you but if you could take an objective look and find aspects someone else might find appealing. I'm not so hot at retail (hate selling stuff, lol) but maybe that kind of explanation would bring better results????

    Just a thought......

    Hope you are feeling better!!!

  6. Hey Siobhan, it's a joke post. I can't sell or trade this house. And my brother no longer even responds to me, when I leave messages or e-mail. It was a joke listing made out of frustration and has been removed from craigslist.

  7. Oh dear, lol

    I come home from work and sometimes it can be a very sad day - the day I wrote that post (not that it is any excuse, I am Irish - am supposed to have wit right?), we had lost not one but two patients. Not unexpected and they had fought like intrepid little troopers without hardly a complaint!! Pediatricians do not envy doctors who work with adults- children so rarely complain! And they are so vulnerable and I just want to hug every one of them - and of course, save them all but since cancer is some 100 plus different illnesses, it will take more than ll the work I do plus other researchers et al, I can only do what I can in my small corner of this vast planet. (Though I do try to do some stuff through Drs without Borders which makes me appreciate what we have here! And wonder about why in the 21st century, there are still children and families living in squalor! That makes me sad but also furious!)

    So I am too serious for my own good sometimes and did not see your post for what it is- when I reread it, I get it but at the time, I was in one of those "moods".

    It is a superb satirical piece of work if you don't mind my saying so.

    You know what really irks me - we have managed to do so much in my area - leukemia (tho I treat other ontological issues as well but that does seem to be number one) and that I appreciate! When I was a child for example, acute leukemia (there are also varying types of leukemia) was literally a death sentence. Now of course, the vast majority survive - depending on when it was found, if it was treated in time (which makes me want to damn some of the US HMO's top you know where though if there is one, they may get there without any intervention from me) - and other factors. Yet, we have accomplished almost NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH to prevent the CAUSE of cancers, incl leukemia. We continue to pollute our environment, use chemicals, produce food that has not just medications and chemicals added but now can be genetically modified and the jury is out on just how that will affect young children or babies in utero in the future. Even the Cancer Society tells us to eat our veggies and at least in Canada, preaches the seven things we shoujld watch for- like the 7 deadly sins and it sounds a little too much to me like blaming the victim. I do Not donate to that org - they work in huge buildings and are one group who spend a small fortune on admin costs. I donate to groups who actually DO something about the CAUSE of cancer. The Cancer Society donates some funds to research but I have yet to read one that links cancer to anythung done by major chemical corporations - probably because they get funding from them and might loose their delightful offices where they rarely see a child or adult for that matter with cancer unless it has something to do with brining in money for their group. They do "some" good but I really want to see more work that gets to the crux of the issue. We did have canvcer at the turn of the 19th century but it was not as plentiful as it now and it has nothing to do with the fact docs did not necessarily know what they were seeing. Farmers worked hard, lived well (ie good foods with no chemicals, exercise and not at the gym, sunshine but then, the biosphere was yet to be endanered by the industrial pollution). I could go on. Certainly, people died earlier - it was definitely not really the good old days but while we do have a decrease in some cancers, we have increases in others. What we have done is spend a fortune - even in research - in the treatment of cancer. What we need to be doing - concurrently - is stopping it before it even starts! That of course takes much more change - our dependence on fossil fuels and even nuclear power for one (I am still wondering about electromagnetic fields as well; not sold completely BUT longterm exposure cannot be that good). Why can't we put them underground? There are just so many things we can do and are not doing.

    But there are many people working hard to solve some of this so it is not all negative. I am optimistic most of the time. It is just hard to see children die for no good reason. I live in a region that tends to have many people who have a hard time finding work (we have many universities and we export our human capital) and so many who work so very hard. So when a chemical or any kind of company comes along, they hardly dare question whether in 50 yrs time, it will kill their grandchildren. Why would they? They're desperate and these companies know this.

    It is not like this wjhere I live but I grew up in an area where people watched the planes that sprayed DDT take off. No one told them it was dangerous and this was a new thing. That was in 1952 and DDT was outlawed in 1968. Like so many chemicals - the sprays people use on the lawn that contain 2-3-T (one half of the infamous Agent Orange), another carcinogen, those side effects are never explained. In one part of the province I grew up in , army people who sprayed Agent Orange for a military base are now dying one by one. And many of my patients are their children - now why do you suppose they have cancer? They ate their veggies, did all the things the Cancer Society said to do yet...

    Anyway, off my soapbox. Sorry to be such a downer! Sometimes, there are just "some" of those days that get to me. Maybe if I sue another chemical plant (and win - that is always better), lol

    Take care - I do hope you manage somehow to return to Corvallis. Or find someone friendly in Albany!!!

    Keep your satire though - it's good.

  8. Oops, pls excuse so many typos. I meant oncological NOT ontological and it is 2-4-T that is one half of Agent Orange. (I change that because I once wrote in a newspaper col I write that a certain co. had dumped an astronomical large amt of a dangerous chemical (a worried worker there had told me but I'd never reveal the name of course!) and they wanted to sue me. I was all for that - more publicity, lol Of course, I was just starting my medical practice and had little to loose. Would I be so bold now? Actually, I think I can proudly say yes! So since then, I am very cautious about names and numbers, esp NUMBERS! In the end, they opted not to sue - I "foolishly" told them to go ahead, the issue really needed the publicity, lol Curiously enough, they had this notion they could intimidate a young woman just beginning in her field of work. The also tried to cancel my column but nothing sells newspapers better than controversy so the publisher - quite a conservative fellow - stood by me and I am indebted to him. Through that column, we (me and several of the guest writers - other doctors and concerned citizens of a variety of backgrounds) managed to provide information to many readers.

    Anyway...I am likely boring you to tears and it is never good to talk about oneself for too long! Impolite my grandmother would admonish me!


Five Cats Fixed Yesterday

 Two Liliths from two towns were fixed yesterday.  Coincidence?  I guess. This Lilith is from Lebanon and was left behind by her people at a...