Thursday, July 03, 2008

11 Kittens Fixed in Tigard Today and the Cat Woman Plays

My day began when the alarm rang at 5:00 a.m. I did all the chores, including medicating all 13 kittens and cleaning all the litterboxes, feeding and watering. Then I did the dishes, a morning chore always, showered, loaded 8 kittens, picked up three more and was on the road to the vet clinic by 6:30 a.m.

I had kept 8 of the kittens overnight here, in the garage room. These kittens are from three mothers and three owners of the mothers, who want to give the kittens away, but I don't want them going out unfixed.

After checking the kittens in, I decided not to waste the day. Just a very few miles from the clinic is the Tualitin Wildlife Refuge. It's free with miles of trails. It is very beautiful. No jogging or even biking is allowed, because this park exists for the wildlife and for viewing wildlife. Quiet and slowness is suggested. This is not a park for exercisers, although you get exercise walking the trails. At some points, the forest is deep and I could stand still and hear all sorts of bird calls. There are metal foot bridges over well protected creeks and a metal viewing platform that goes out over the Tualitin River. I took a lot of photos. See below.

I spent a couple of hours walking the trails there. After I left, I went to Oxbow Park to go swimming. I knew it would be cold. But it was REAAAAALLLY cold. A few young people would go into the water, but quickly, very quickly, exit. I suppose I was in the water for 20 minutes. I was numb when I got out. I thought I had allotted plenty of time to get back to the clinic way before it closed. But there was a police chase of a bank robber on 205 that ended in a big crash. This slowed things to a standstill. I was very scared I would not get back to the clinic before it closed. I had forgotten about the holiday tomorrow and all the people who would be trying to leave town for the holiday. It was horrific, the traffic, but I finally made it to the clinic half hour before they closed and loaded up the 11 kittens. Traffic was then a crawl almost to Woodburn. Man.

I delivered the first set of three to Albany, totally exhausted. It was by this time after 7:00 p.m. They weren't there. I began to throw a hissy fit, thinking, what was I going to do. Then she drove up and apologized, said she had to take her hubby to work and I kicked myself for being such a butthead.

Then I delivered the next three back. Then the next five. And finally, I got home, at nearly 9:30 p.m. Long day, I'd say.

River at Oxbow park. It was cold. I did go in and swim for maybe 15 minutes, but it was very cold. Lots of rafts were out taking on this beach. Nice park, with some great hiking trails.

One of three female kittens from one Albany apartment spayed today. I took six kittens from Albany and five from Lebanon, 11 in all, 8 of whom were females, to be fixed in Tigard today. These are all people who are trying to find homes for these kittens. Two of the mothers are now fixed, and the third will be fixed next week.
Black and white long hair female kitten from Albany, spayed today. The rest of the photos below, are all taken at the Tualitin Wildlife Refuge. It's a great place.
Up the Tree.
Wetland View.
Wetlands once and again.
Lion Country?
Africa in Oregon.
Protected Creek.
River Overlook.
Tree Shelter.
Old and New.
Out of Africa?
Photographer's Lair.
Pines and Flowers.
Primordial Vision.
Phoney Tracks.
Interesting Tree!
Of Moss and Trees.
Moss and Green.
Fern Madness.
Foxglove and Trees.
Foxglove Vertical.
Lucky Flower!
Bench by the River.
Tracked up Tree Closer.
Darkened Tree.
Deep Forest.
Distant Condos.
Bold Green Leaf.
Beaver Dam.
Branch Cloaked Creek.
Tracked up trunk.
Bird makes a nest.
Bird in Nest.Cross the Creek.Guard your Path.Finely aged tree bark.


  1. What a way to start the holiday weekend. I'm sitting here with my coffee, really enjoying your photos. Thanks!

  2. It was such a beautiful refuge, so close to dense urban areas, too.

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful day!

  4. I did, Diane. I didn't know the Clackamas River would be sooooooo cold, however. Now I understand why so many people drown in the Clackamas and Sandy rivers early in the summer. The water is inviting, but freezing!

  5. I think those waters from those two rivers drain primarily off Mt. Hood. I could be wrong. But with snows so late there, the water this year in that area in the rivers is exceptionally cold.



 A little snow in the valley had been forecast as a possibility for yesterday.    We only got a tiny bit.   I had two Lebanon cats here.  Th...