Thursday, June 05, 2008

Seven More Fixed Cats!

Today, seven cats are being fixed. Five are Albany cats while two are from Farley felines. Five females, one of them pregnant and the other four in heat, and two males. One of the females, the Farley Felines girl, had only one kidney, one ovary and one uterine horn, all right side organs, missing all organs on the left side. I'm calling her Righty. She was in heat and it is unclear if she would have survived the pregnancy, especially with just one kidney.

Included, are three more cats, two of them torti's from the Davidson Dazzlers colony, although before, I called it by a different name but I can't remember the name I gave this colony. Must be getting brain dead old.

It's been difficult getting the couple to get their cats into carriers and ready for me to pick up. I give them a carrier or two, come by the next morning to pick up cats, and they've not got any contained.

I got six fixed awhile back, but there are five more females needing fixed. Four males and two females.

Last night, I stopped by and she picked up one torti and stuck her in a carrier I gave her. I gave her another large carrier to get one or both unfixed cats in the house contained by this morning. However, when I called this morning, she said she'd got neither in. I said, "I'll stop by in twenty minutes. Try." She agreed. When I stopped by, she had two in the carrier, leaving only two cats left unfixed there, plus some kittens. Making progress.

Then, the two cats I took in yesterday from 4th street, despite being inside cats, were pregnant, or rather, had ovulated. I couldn't figure this out and asked the vet how inside cats could be termed pregnant. He said there were no baby bubbles in the uterus, but they had certainly ovulated and were "ready", with follicules stimulated or something. He asked if the people also had an unneutered male. They didn't, but I asked them about this mysterious fake pregnancy when I returned the cats. Seems the downstairs neighbor have an unfixed male who comes up and tries to get to the females through an open grate screen door at the top of the stairs. So, today, Mr. Ovulator Enhancer is getting neutered. This will save his life, most likely. He's been shot once already.

The fifth Albany cat is the third abandoned female off Main street. The three females, two of them fixed yesterday, were taken in by an older woman raising her grandkids, including all the kittens from the three abandoned mothers. KATA is helping get those kittens over URI's, so they can be fixed and homes found for them.

The sixth and seventh cats being fixed today are two ferals I caught at Farley Felines yesterday. This makes six cats fixed there in the last couple weeks, plus the two males fixed last fall there-makes 8 in total. There is one more to catch, plus some kittens.
Siamese from the Main Street Abandons, being spayed today.
Torti, from Davidson Dazzlers, fixed today.
Male from 4th Street, being fixed today. No more inducing spontaneous ovulation for this guy.
Big brown long hair male, from Farley Felines, being fixed today.

Gray and white Farley Felines feral, unknown sex, being fixed today.

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