Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oil Drilling

Should we drill for oil off Oregon's coast or off the coast of any state in America?

Why shouldn't we? We're still gulping oil and its products. Why should we use more oil than any other country in the world, and import most of it, to avoid the nasty effects of oil drilling off our own shores?

We should drill here, I think. It's the responsible thing to do, if we are going to continue our energy gulping ways here in America. Deferring any damage to other nations by importing is ridiculous and self-centered as we continue to consume petroleum products.

Out of sight out of mind doesn't work so well with big oil rigs out off say Newport and the occasional windstorm knocking over a drilling rig. If we drill here, maybe we'd be less likely to consume so much, in order to keep the damage and unsightliness of our habits down, although I doubt that.

At least we wouldn't be under the thumbs of middle eastern freakazoids, or fighting wars to control countries so we can keep getting oil from them. It's like we're addicted and we have to kiss the feet or belly crawl up to the oil pushers, to beg for our fixes. It's pathetic. You know, even meth addicts often build their own labs to produce their own noxious substances to avoid the obvious dangers, costs and obstacles of buying it off distant producers.

The only other viable alternative is immediate habit change and innovation. Do you see that happening? I don't. But we are an innovative society and my hopes go with innovation. Would oil drilling kill innovation? I hope not. Innovation kicks into high gear when our backs are against a wall.

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