Friday, May 02, 2008

The Patio I Built

I built this rather quickly, digging out and leveling an area, filling in four inches of gravel and letting that sit a few days, to settle in, with some pouring rain we had. I had some stones left I brought with me, that I had gotten to fix up a previous rental and I got a few more. I leveled it in with sand and filled the cracks between the stones with sand, although I need to find a little more to finish filling in. I edged it with old four by four's also brought over from my former yard. They used to be posts for my former rental fence, that I had built there.

I borrowed a wheelbarrow to haul with, from the Millersburg Country colony folks. The Hate Thy Neighbor colony man helped me bring in some gravel. Now I better return that wheelbarrow!

Not bad, eh? I've never built a patio before. I found instructions online. I think it came out just fine.

In other news, I never received a Voter's Pamphlet in the mail. I finally called the election hotline and was told the Post Office would be responsible for delivering a pamphlet to me and the man suggested I call the post office. Fat chance. The PO has no listed number and going there, to inquire, would mean standing in a line that's often forty minutes or an hour wait.

I know, they should have them there somewhere, for easy pickup. I'll pass on that. Nothing is easy at the Albany Post Office. I'll just grab someone else's, someone who is through reading theirs.

I wonder if the Post Office will see fit to deliver me a ballot.

In more news, a big car chase occured real close here yesterday. Seems some drunk was driving crazy on Marion Street, did a Uey, when a cop passed him, and took off back down Marion, almost creaming lots of people and other cars, when he made the turn on 34th then was going over 100 when he hit Waverly, couldn't turn, of course at that speed, and plowed through a fence into a house. This guy ought to be charged with reckless endangerment, too. A woman and child were inside the house at the time.

What an awful man this is, to put so many in danger with his behavior. 100 mph on a city street, in a residential area. I can't imagine what kind of person would endanger so many lives. It's extremely selfish, to put it mildly.

Two of the nine orange tabbies left went to a very nice barn home two days ago. Today, four more are leaving for another barn home. That will leave us only three left to place. I have another offer from a nice family, too, for them.

It's always very hard on cats to go to new homes. It is very hard on ferals to relocate. They miss familiar territory, family and friends in their old hood. If they go in family groups to people who follow relocation procedures and make the painful transition as easy as possible, well, the relocation has a higher chance of success. I will hope for the best for these lovely orange tabbies in transition. It's all I can do.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!
    very impressive!

    that'll be nice to sit outside on when the weather is good.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....