Friday, May 02, 2008

Four More Orange Tabbies Leave for Barn Home. Three Cats Fixed today.

Four more orange tabbies left today for a barn home, while three more cats, two from Heatherdale and one from Adair were fixed. The two from Heatherdale are cat number eight and cat number nine of nine cats a man feeds. Now, all nine are fixed.

The Adair kitty was abandoned by someone when they moved, along with her three kittens. KATA may take in the two male kittens. The family intends to keep the female kitten.

This woman told me, in the latest City newsletter in Adair, that the city has enacted an ordinance that all outdoor allowed cats must be fixed.

We have three orange tabbies still in foster at my friends house, but they too have a home lined up to go to next week. So, it's been a good week for barn cat placements after all. It all worked out in placing the orange tabbies. I do still have the orange tabby female kitten, promised to the Redmond couple and I hope they are still wanting her. I haven't heard from them in awhile. I'll have to give them a call and see when they might be coming over to get her.

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